Random reports

Sep 02, 2012 16:34

Today's NEWS con

* Jr. intro, all were introuduced with addition of "pana" after their names, like Kouta-pana, Ike-pana but NEWS introduced Noda san as "Noda san-pana" and said, he's their senior lol

* Noda is a fan service machine today, was so hyper and even did Rola's impersonation, just like Tatsumi XD

* Ike chan didn't dance during free style, but flapping/ fanning his hands instead, and was like "It's so hot!"

* Ike chan poked his cheeks and acted cutesy, and Kouta next to him was acting all cute and embracing himself and trembling ← I don't know how to explain this (Kouta) but I assume it's something like a burikko girl lol

* Ike chan, Ryusei and Kento doing acrobatic during Dance Corner and audiences were like "OH!?" impressed

* Ike chan is not good at doing flying kiss so, he always refused to do so even if fans ask him, but today, my friend got flying kiss from him ♥

Sorry, I forgot to inform that there's T&T on Music Japan today OTZ T&T mentioned Yaracchi during their talk

Random old info

Did I ever mention about Tsubasa kissed Ryota on his cheek during D&R'10 and when he told his mom about that, she was so jealous because she's Tsubasa's fans XD

Fumito said he went to play dart with Tatsumi

I'm not sure where this talk comes from but, Yuta said Yuki recently got the ability to understand Yusuke's talk, so Yudai (or Yuki?) said "It's like a mom who can understand her baby's words, like babu babu", Yusuke "Am I a baby!?"

reports: concerts, -uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, reports: others, -made: tomioka kento, -uchuusix: matsumoto kota, -xmade: imai ryusei, -unit: "mad", -4u.: fukuda yuta, -4u.: tatsumi yudai, -xmad: noda yuya, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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