realmailexchange: An Ode to thee.

Dec 23, 2007 02:57

outoftimeagain: I'll never expect someone with your level of complete arrogance to apologize to me, but let this be said: At least I proved myself to everyone admist the conspiracy, and my triumph over that aspect cannot be taken away.
AnjelRaine: Mix?
AnjelRaine: you are a sad sad person you know that
AnjelRaine: I don't feel I owe you an apology
AnjelRaine: You bring what drama you have on yourself, because you are fucking insane.
AnjelRaine: You make yourself the vicitum all the time in some sort of passive aggressive episode in order to garnish pity, but really you just add to the LULZ
AnjelRaine: And you didn't prove shit
AnjelRaine: A few messy drawings where as you feel them to be masterpeices aren't really that impressive. But I'll let you hold onto what ever small peice of "triumph" you percieve
AnjelRaine: But yeah You're going on block now. DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN

Ah yes, from someone who turned in an elmer's glue project late on the community 'they formed'.

This is your leader?

These are your leaders?

You follow devils that fight with themselves. Who exile all who are not friends to some people as of thee. Yet they hold little ground in the internets, for the internets has no ground to stand on.

This is someone who will stomp on someone's own personal pride and work. Who will beleive every ill-gotten rumour and use it against that person as their own self defense. Ah yes, this is your leader. Prevail!

Sorry folk, I use rubber cement, for I like the smell of victory.
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