[modpost] Mix7fics: Genre/Sub-categories Definitions

Sep 30, 2006 09:23

Not sure what GENRE or SUB-CATEGORY your story will have to fall under? Unfamiliar or unclear about certain terms? This guide will help you by giving short explanations for the meanings of each.

Angst or Drama - Oh, the hurt and the pain. This story would refer to emotional wounds and internal conflicts a character goes through. They revisit their traumas, fears, general frustrations, weeping about their miseries and woes - all in excruciating detail. But that doesn't mean, the character/s can't have a happy ending, just make them suffer a bit.

Drama tells a serious story, deals with a lot of emotions and serious topics, which is sometimes theatrical or cliched. But drama is not driven by merely tears and conflicts, unlike angst, it shows the emotional growth of characters through their interactions and a greater understanding of their truths.

Alternate Universe (AU) - a type of story in which characters interact in a non-canonical setting, storyline or premise. This usually involves changing certain events, characters, motives, and settings; wherein these changes must be a contradiction to canon, if not ever happening to their original universe. The thought usually of this story is “what if”s and “what might have been”s.

Hurt/Comfort - This style requires a character who is injured, whether physically or emotionally, as another character would give them comfort, either by saving them or just making them feel better again. The classic scenario in this type of fic is driving at a romantic relationship between the characters (if it doesn't exist already), but not necessary.

Humor or Crack - The total opposite of drama. There is silliness, craziness, and weirdness - all for sake of a few laughs and fun. Crack is a closer relative of Parody, although not quite distant from Humor either. The insanity of the story can be deliberate or just simply... crazyWTFhumor.

Romance/Fluff - Ah yes, what dreams are made of: cloud nine and gushes. Romance is... romance; involves extreme liking, infatuation, passion and of course, love. Fluff is the cuter, more lighthearted and saccharine-induced type of story - the total opposite of angst.

Smut/PWP - "Porn Without Plot" is smut, because it usually involves sexually graphic content that well, doesn't really have a plot. It's simply for the sake of writing sex scenes and pointless sexcapades.

Anti-Thesis - This type of story will explore the "opposite side" to a character or relationship. Characters should not necessarily act OOC (out of character), it's just another side of them that is not usually written about in stories and fics. It can either be dark/negative or light/positive for a character; and an anti-OTP/anti-OTT for pairings and threesomes.

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For more information, you can visit this webpage, where more terms of fanfiction-dom are explained: Fanfiction Glossary of Terms


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