Jan 02, 2006 08:50
If you're thinking about coming to California, please stay the fuck away and don’t bother.
Everyone here will hate you more then everyone already hates you back home.
Everyone will make fun of you because we're all shallow with perfect skin.
Everyone will make sure you suffer.
Everyone will want you to get a tan.
And you'll do it, wont you Miss Dyed-black-hair-with-the-neon-smile.
Everyone will ask, “Are you on My Space??” then punch you in the face because you DON’T look like your pictures.
Everyone will look at you and wish they could Photoshop you the fuck away from them.
Everyone will ask if you know ME, and if you say YES, you’re over and done with.
Everyone will want your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Everyone will steal your life away and you’ll be just like them.
Everyone will expect you to conform and fake everything.
And you’ll do it, wont you Mr.Incest-play-hard-to-get.
Everyone including you, wants to come to Hollywood because television makes us beautiful.
Everyone will wonder why life is a lie.
Everyone will want to know why the air is so dirty and you cant breath.
Everyone will take what you’ll give and throw it all away.
Everyone will want to give you a makeover and force you to play the part.
Everyone will suggest plastic surgery and a new hair cut.
And you’ll do it, wont you Mrs. I-feel-so-fat-even-though-I’m-a-size-0.
Everyone, including me, will wish you would disappear.
You lose.
I win.
Get used to it.