Jun 11, 2011 21:15
So, Ken is at 5 weeks of hiccups and counting. Last visit to the Dr. on Thursday brought home new, even stronger anti-spasmodic type meds. Of the type that say "bla bla bla heavy duty problem bla, and also for persistent hiccups." Of course, they are only partially working. :-( Also on Thursday the ENT cauterized his nose, so he can't put the spray that was working in for another week. Jeesh.
I'm doing OK. Not great, but OK. Making progress on the taxes, have to have them ready by Wednesday. Tomorrow is the start of my busy season since we're gearing up for a library exhibit at SFBG starting the end of August. Fun fun. These are the folks that always want prints available. And guess who does the prints? Oh well, it will make my accountant happy. :-)