Okay … it’s finally here … the big week of astro events most of us have been anticipating since the start of 2008: Pluto enters Capricorn on Friday, Mercury goes retrograde on Monday, and Mars goes Direct on Wednesday, January 30. Frankly, I don’t know whether to call the coming week “Seven Days That Shook the World” or “Fasten Your Seat Belts.” Jack Reed or Bette Davis? It’s a hard call. Either way, we’re in for seven bumpy days and nights of major shifts. And as always, handling the intensity is going to require skill and flexibility. Be prepared to make adjustments, big and small, expected or unexpected. Also anticipate having to deal with meltdowns, yours or others, as nervous systems strain to keep up with what David Bowie might call the ch-ch-ch-changes.
Mercury goes retrograde on January 28 and stays retrograde until so late in the day on February 18 it might as well be the 19. Mercury Retrograde is a great time to review plans and projects already in motion. It is not a great time to initiate anything new. Mercury symbolizes all things related to language, and during its seemingly backward motion most things even vaguely related to communication go awry. Back up your hard drive today. Book your airline tickets now. Don’t procrastinate - you’ll only regret it later.
Mars has been retrograde since November 15, 2007. During December most of us were too busy with the holidays to notice the full effect of Mars’ backward motion. But now, with nothing to distract us, the sluggish pace of Mars Retrograde is noticeable, and for some of us, unbearable. But don’t expect Mars to press the fast-forward button on January 31. Mercury Retrograde is going to put the kibosh on a full-out, fast-forward Mars Direct. Also be aware, Mercury and Mars drive the mechanics of daily life, which means as they move in opposite directions, the timing of daily routines might suffer. The good news is that both Mercury and Mars turn around in a trine to each other, a positive interaction that could mitigate some of the negative side effects.
What we are sure to be feeling with gusto is Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, a journey that begins at the end of the day on January 25 and will last for the next sixteen years. Expect the first few moments, which in cosmic terms could mean the next five months, of Pluto’s new cycle to feel oddly familiar, almost as if the missing piece of the puzzle has fallen into place. But also expect to feel increasingly uncertain about how this cycle will unfold. Lots of us are curious (even me) and the next several columns will take a look at the potential of Pluto in Capricorn.
This week, as you work your way through the bumps, make an effort to be as kind as possible to yourself and your fellow travelers. We’re all in this together and we could all use a kind word or reassuring gesture.