Lets see what i had been doing the last year.. kekex.. ok past month actually.. =p
Deardear bought a wu gui.. I called it wuwu.. but sometimes call it guigui.. but actually i intend to call it wuwu la.. very confusing mind i have..
Wuwu pic:
http://ilove.miwitch.com/thumbnails.php?album=33 Christmas day, friends come to my house have steamboat~
Teresa & baby are here as well~ So long nv see baby liao.. =3
http://ilove.miwitch.com/albums/pets01/baby01.JPG After Xmas day, my classmate Alex had a wedding.. he was the third person to get ROM after mi. im the second one. hahax~
Aiyah taken with my hp.. their faces covered.. -.-"
http://ilove.miwitch.com/albums/userpics/10001/Alex%20n%20connie.jpgA few of my classmates made this drink for Alex. Force him drink this instead of wine. I added the green thing in. hahax~
http://ilove.miwitch.com/albums/userpics/10001/Alex%20drink.jpg Another day after christmas, took teresa down to orchard.. It is still as packed as ever.. ~_~ Scary man.. See the crowd urself before i am going to cross the road.. FUAH!
http://ilove.miwitch.com/albums/userpics/10001/Xmas2.jpg Went to nana house to overnite on new year eve.. Go there slack also.. eat dinner there (feel so happy like long time no eat food cooked by a family dad hahax~ Bery xinfu feeling!^o^v~) watch vcd half way read manga until 6am.. then wake up 2pm eat 'breakfast' (Xinfu again~ ^o^v~)
Also played with Peapea.. got so many scatches from him sia.. hahax~ Though he is one hyper dog, but he indeed look very cute when sleeping.. =D
And thanx nana n ariya for the lovely xmas present!! Nv tot u all spent that much for xmas.. im so diulian after sending the mini gift.. =///= so paiseh.. hahax~
Gotten a mp3 player from them.. ^o^ Sankyu~