Jan 02, 2007 18:26
boff...what to say about new year's eve 2006-2007. so much. how about, crowded bars and squeezing between more bodies than ever seen in one place trying to make way to the bathroom and finding your body moving backwards instead of forwards every time you take a step... how about claustrophobia never feeling so real, thoughts of "if there's a fire i am dead, there's no escape to the door". how about similarly having to squeeze one's body through hoardes, masses on streets, little narrow cobblestoned european streets covered in piss and broken glass and plastic cups forever, saying "lo siento, perdona, lo siento" more times than ever uttered in life just to move three feet or to cross from one bar to another... how about two super-pears and one super-tomato, complete with capes and masks, and holding up friends so drunk they can't speak... how about everyone everywhere in pamplona dressed up in the most ridiculous costumes ever, hundreds of pippie longstockings and parking columns (my favorite) and women as elvis and doctors and nurses and vampires and speed limit monitors with flashing lights... how about in this city you don't have your own costume, the whole group dresses as the same thing, so if you see a parking column on one block you know they are friends with the parking columns on the other block, and so everywhere groups of poisonous mushrooms, snow whites, knights in armor, and more, five or ten in the same getup, everywhere clones of other bizarre disguises... like nothing i have ever seen in my whole entire life. like halloween only multiplied.
how about walking into a bar that closed at one thirty and realizing it's almost eight a.m., then leaving that bar and seeing blue start to shine in the sky... how about people in the streets at 9 in the morning still in costume, wishing one another ¡feliz año! and no one looking twice at cops mingling with prostitutes (in costume, of course), or men with tits, or giant penis-trains, or anything else for that matter, in broad daylight... how about seeing familiar faces that you won't recognize another day in your life once the costumes have been removed, and knowing you share the experience of being awake at 10 a.m. without a wink of sleep having occurred... how about feeling like you'll fall over dead while your friends start up a game of street volleyball in the middle of downtown where there are no cars driving by because it's now new year's day, a holiday...
and how about the most interesting experience of your entire life and feeling like you'll never remember it because it was like a dream, it was so unreal, afraid it will fade away like all dreams do as soon as you wake up, and no matter how hard you hold onto it it disappears... how about realizing it wasn't a dream and never letting it fade away... the best memory so far.