I would post this entry earlier, but I was too busy playing (the newly bought) ero games in my room. (o ̄▽ ̄)o Anyways, my parents & I went to Osaka for a few days last week.
So here be pics, heh heh heh...
Since they offered a free ticket to the aquarium in Osaka-ko and my parents decided to go, I tagged along...although I'm no big fan of aquariums. XD;; But my mom seemed excited so all is well, I guess.
They even had a croc. O_o
...and an iguana. Things just get weirder and weirder sometimes.
Penguins! They were lovely.
Cuttlefish. LOL
Then there's the jellyfish section. I have to admit, I quite enjoyed the jellyfish section.
A random ice-cream I bought at the aquarium's tiny cafe. That's my mom's hand, btw.
There were tons of other fishes but it's the same ol' common thing so I didn't bother taking much pics of them. Yeah. By the time we were nearing the exit, you can be sure I was bored out of my mind. XP
The garden in Tenshi no Sato.
The following day, we went to see the cherry blossoms. The temperature's starting to warm up, and there were a few sakura trees which the petals have fallen off.
Back in the hotel room...with cakes! A tiramisu & a season-exclusive sakura tiramisu.
Gangster boy looking unamused in his new outfit. =.= *snort*
An effin' huge eraser found in the department store. I HAD to take a pic of it. XD; That's my mom's hand again...
A random nightscene.
And lastly, me with my new hairstyle. XD The hair salon I went to has a free service of eyebrow trimming. (*゚∀゚) w00t!
A clearer pic of the color in natural light. I'm still not used to waxing my hair but I'm working on it. =v=
That's all~ (* ̄∇ ̄*)