If you're thinking it's something obscene, you're so right! It's the female's *down* part, even if it doesn't 100% resemble it. Well, what'd you know~ Such thing do exist! I bought this I think about 2-3 years ago? in a trip while I was still studying in a language school in Japan. I think the place was somewhere in Fukui, if I'm not wrong...
In Japan, they have this thing called the Kanamara Matsuri Festival where people celebrate by buying phallic candies, etc... Photos
here. More info can be found
here or just google it out.
That aside, I stumbled upon my lollipop after abandoning it in the dry refridgerator, waiting for it to grow mushrooms or something. I'm still debating whether to eventually eat the lollipop or not but...can't help but feel very ero doing so, no? ;D Maybe I should take a pic when I finally do... >8D