May 07, 2009 22:13
The other day, I tried to watch Axis Power Hetalia. Everyone is so crazy about this anime around the net I was very curious and wanted to see and... I don't understand. But what the hell people find so marvelous? I'm very very curious. O_O
I find it's stupid and couldn't find at least an ounce of interest in it...
It could be just a detail in my life if everyone wasn't so crazy about it. Just can't understand, help me, what's so great in this anime?! *desesperate cries*
About Niddheg.
On sera à Epita et Japan Expo, mais je ne connais pas encore nos emplacements. Enfin, on y sera. :D J'ai fini ma BD et je suis sur la maquette, que d'excitation....
Par contre j'ignore si j'aurai le temps de faire un cosplay pour ces convs... (putain de boulot de merde. >_<)
random thoughts,