An Open Letter of Thanks

Aug 08, 2012 15:12

I've been thinking of what to do for today, and apparently, since I couldn't do anything else, I ended up with this.
So here goes...

Dear [insert my relationship with you here (basically, we start with 'friends'.. then you can add 'crazy', 'abnormal', ... the likes)],

I want to thank you for being a part of my [rather puny or insignificant] life. I want to thank you for the countless memories we've created, and for all those times you stood by me (or against me, whichever). Craziness, sadness, happiness -- all of these things made my life interesting even for a tiny bit. Thank you for pulling up when I was drowning in the course of sorrow, especially when I was about to really let myself be carried away by it.

Each one of you is special to me. If I could hug and whisper to you, 'thank you', personally, I would really do it. How I really wish I could.

Thank you for crossing the boundaries of language, beliefs, and location.

Thank you for believing in me whenever I felt like shit, and I wouldn't want to push myself anymore.

Perhaps, my twenty-three years here on earth would be totally different if I hadn't met you. Each and every one of you is important to me, so thank you. :)

with love,
That girl who used to spam twitter .... and other things/places.


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