More postcrossing

Jan 04, 2013 13:49

A Tenerife card I sent to Switzerland has been registered as received by the recipient; consequently I've requested the next address to send one to. (Awful grammar, soz.)

I was amazed when it came up with the details of the very person whose blog had informed me about Postcrossing in the first place. There are hundreds of thousands of postcrossers, so the chances of my drawing this person's name EVER, never mind in my first few recipients, is remote in the extreme.

Her preference is for altered cards. My only problem now is finding the time to create something for her. I also need to fight against my innate desire to make something "worthy" - which translates to perfect. That means it will never get sent because I'll never be satisfied with it. Instead, I need to approach it in the spirit of experiment, which she encourages, and whatever the result, send it, irrespective of the fact that I am likely to be dissatisfied with it.

This entry was originally posted at I can rarely respond to comments on LJ, so if possible, please comment on the Dreamwidth article using OpenID instead; thanks.


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