Kyrgyzstan Photos

Oct 26, 2012 10:47

A few drive-by shootings (i.e. photos shot from a moving bus.) Most of the ones (thousands!) I took are either blurry, or have bushes in the foreground etc. but I'm pretty pleased with these ones.

There were only six of us in the group; we had a minibus with plenty of room for us plus driver plus tour leader. By lunch on the first day (well, the first travelling day) I was asked by the tour leader if I would like to sit in the front seat, the better to take photos through the windscreen! Needless to say, I didn't need asking twice.

N.B. If having all these photos visible causes problems for anyone, let me know and I'll put some of them behind a cut.

Cow on the railway line. Never saw a train, though, so it might not be in too much danger

Lake Issyk-Kul, the second largest high-altitude lake in the world (after Titicaca)

The approach to Grigoryevka gorge

Autumn colour at mouth of Grigoryevka gorge

Burana tower - a former minaret, the only remaining building (heavily restored) of an ancient town which was destroyed by earthquake

Typical scene

Ala Archa national park - just like a scene from a Christmas card

As you can see, it went from summer to winter over the course of the week.

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