Started off just over two years ago accidently by Ashley, I thought it would be nice to re-do the Love List and add on to why I love each and every special friend in my life. You guys have taken care of me like a little sister, loved me like family and will always be at the up most of my heart. Thank you guys for a wonderful Six years XD and let's hope you still will have me in the future. Alphabetically through my Facebook friends list. -.- if I missed out on you, it's utterly because it's early in the morn and I'm possibly upset about something else. Hence distracted. Or Maybe I just dislike you.
Kyle XD You food stealing bastard. I'm so glad you have entered my life in these past two years. You humor me with your long rants and accompany me when I feel lonesome. It's great to have a jpanrpgtard who can whip my ass at Soul Calibur and yet loose painfully to me in Puzzle Fighter. I adore cooking junk food for you and pouring tea for you, XD You allow me to be someone I'm usually not. Thank you for being so damn awesome and XD the best. LOL BAD PUN.
Stevie I suspect you do not want to hear from things from me right now, let alone hear me talk about us. But I just want you to know, that you'll always be a part of my life and my memories, and my heart.
Luci XD WE don't talk much anymore and god knows you're all the way in Europe. But you WERE my big brother for years and years. My source of wisdom as well as a quick bobba. XD I'm glad that I can still talk to you, still look back into a part of my life that was so filled with innocence.
Connie I honestly sometimes think that XD we are the same person under different circumstances. Or that we dropped out of the same pod and just rolled in opposite directions. XD your laughter and humor is tantalizingly addictive and spreads like a wildfire(no Victoria joke here). I wish so much to have your bravery and passion to both speak your mind and aim for something high. We should totally hang out more and infect the world with a vintage class.
Nessie You are the pinnacle in what I want in a woman. You're funny and amazingly gorgeous, and god knows you are smart. God, I idolize you so much. From the day I met you and you told me that Ernie and Bert were totally in love, to this day when I see you as such a passionate woman. I would do anything to just watch you creepily day by day. I hope you realize that there is a girl out there who sees you as not only a great friend, but also an absolute goddess in my eyes.
Sarah Emms You will always be the girl that covered me in pegs at fridays, the one who poured ice down my top at Sports day, the one whose very being fascinated me so much that I knew I desperately wanted to be your friend. You are so individualistic, so strong a character and one whose belly I intend to forever accompany to go NOM NOM on Chasiu bao. XD You are absolutely nuts, and I love it. You always seem to cheer me up and hug me when I need it, with those delicious bosoms of yours. Hello world. Meet Miss Awesome.
.... Will Finish this later.