my hotel room is maybe a little bit bigger than my apartment

Feb 21, 2008 10:00

so i'm in florida. ft. lauderdale to be specific.

after a fairly hellish journey here yesterday. plane left 2 and a half hours late, after fixing some mechanical difficulties (not great for the part of me that hates to fly), was very bumpy and there was a hassidic family in front of me with 6 month old twins who were screaming about 75% of the time. as a warning to everyone; do not fly spirit air. no joke when they say ultra low cost carrier. 2 bucks for a soda or bottle of water. tiny seats, thank goodness i had an aisle seat. but they were cheaper than anyone else's bereavment fares. oh yeah the same mechanical problem plagued us when we landed and they couldn't open the plane doors for 25 minutes.

got rental car, pt cruiser, weird little car. got to hotel. saw dad and step mom. headed back to airport to pick up my brother. my step mom, tracy, came with me cuz i was so tired. this i knew was gonna annoy my brother but i needed someone to keep me awake. in general my brother is gonna be triggered by EVERYTHING in the next 48 hours. thankfully my dad got him a different hotel room. he kept me up till 1 am talking. he's a bit of an insomniac and at 5 am i got a text from him saying he still wasn't asleep. ummmm, thanks for letting me know BUT I WAS ASLEEP.

i set my alarm so i could catch the breakfast provided by hotel. got down there just in time to have breakfast with my step-sister, the born again, home-schooling, mother of 5, american flag wearing (seriously she had on a navy shirt with an "americana" flag on it), and pearls. haven't seen her in maybe 10 years. she doesn't look good. i mean bloated in that midwestern (no offense my midwestern friends) married jesus loving way. same haircut since high school - and it wasn't great in 1985! so we had some weird small talk in the breakfast room sandwiched between 2 huge televisions. on had the jerry springer show on and the other fox news, hard to say which was worse.

in 3 hours i will be graveside for my grandmother. then there will be some reception thing at her place.
the silver lining is that all of my granmothers care givers are jamiacian and they are bringing a bunch of food. that will be coupled with some jewish deli platters.

my back is a tiny bit out of whack and i have this massive burn on my stomach from a week ago (boiling hot pasta water) the burn is shaped kinda like australia and hurts like a motherfucker.

but i am good and glad to be here. later i will hop in the pool.

grandma's funeral

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