[Sara] *Is in the park working on a painting, before she has to go to work.*
[Gisella] - *walks up to Sara* Hi Sara.
[Sara] Heya Gisella! *smile*
[Sara] It's a lovely day, isn't it?
[Gisella] Yes it is.
[Gisella] That's a pretty picture.
[Sara] Thanks! I like the colors in the sky during this time of day! *grins*
[Sara] So what have you been up to little one?
[Gisella] - I'm happy to have a nice lady like you for a friend
[Sara] I'm glad! Dinner was wonderful last night. Your mother's a delightful cook. *smiles*
[Sara] *paints Gisella into the picture, abstractly.*
[Park - almost sundown. Felicity, Eva, Adalia and Bal are all playing volleyball... anyone else playing.]
[Judi]: *is also playing*
[Gwen] *is watching and eating some coleslaw*
[Sara] *Finished her painting, and is now playing with the others.*
[Adalia] - *serves, but misses and hits one of her team mates*
[Adalia] - Oops...
[Judi]: That looked like it hurt ...
[Sara] *Is the one that got hit. Rubs her head, then smiles at Adalia.*
[Eva] - You're ok, right? *grabbing the ball*
[Grant] *wanders on up, carrying an axe*
[Eva] - *serves the ball directly into the trees*
[Sara] Yea!
[Gwen] *eyes the axe* Is that made of iron?
[Judi]: *smirks* Careful with that axe, Eugene.
[Grant] *leans on it* Just doing some woodwork. Anyhow, who's winning?
[Gwen] Depends on if you get more points for beaming people in the head or hitting trees. Want some coleslaw? *offers the bowl*
[Bal] - We are tied. Zero to Zero.
[Judi]: My turn ... *serves ... manages to hit the ball directly into the coleslaw*
[Judi]: O_O
[Judi]: ... sorry ...
[Grant] ... you just destroyed Iceland.
[Bal] - That was great Judi!
[Judi]: Well ... no ... not so much "great" as ... umm ... not.
[Bal] - We have more coleslaw.
[Gwen] *wipes splattered coleslaw off her face and tosses the ball to Bal*
[Bal] - *catches the ball and tries to toss it again... to Felicity- who swats at it before ducking away. The ball rolls into the stream, and floats slowly away*
[Judi]: *heads off to retrieve*
[Gwen] *shrugs and licks the bowl*
[Grant] *looks amused* You guys do some weird shit on your own. You know that, right?
[Gwen] You're the guy with the pet axe.
[Grant] *shrug* It's cut complaints in half.
[Gwen] How did you just make less sense than I did?
[Grant] Years of experience as an investigator.
[Ball - floats off to the trees]
[Grant] *eyes Judi and the ball she's chasing*
[Judi]: *catches it, dries it off a bit on her t-shirt and heads back*
[Judi]: *pauses, looks around a bit .. she hasn't been out this way before*
[There is an odd vine climbing up a tree]
[Judi]: *looks more closely ... is it a plant she recognizes?*
[Grant] And that's why I'm your mayor.
[No. Its very thorny, and leafy. It does not appear to have flowers.]
[Gwen] Oh! Yeah. I guess politics and nonsense would go well together.
[Judi]: *how big is it?*
[It's about 10 feet high- halfway up the tree]
[Grant] Precisely.
[Judi]: Ain't seen nothin' like that around here before ...
[Judi]: ... *calls out* Adalia, y'all ever had a kudzu problem around here before?
[Adalia] - No.. *heads on after Judi*
[Grant] *bemused* A good wood chipper would help with that.
[Gwen] *smiles* You love chopping things don't you?
[Grant] Well, no, but it does seem to be the most practical solution.
[Gwen] Suuure.
[Grant] Well, okay, you tell me how you deal with demons, vines, and other things that creep.
[Adalia] - ..I've never seen that plant before
[Gwen] *shrugs* I don't know yet. *brightens* Maybe with a chainsaw. Loving to chop is nothing to be ashamed of.
[Grant] In every politician's career come cuts.
[well..you could try cutting it off the tree to see what happens.. or you could leave it.]
[Grant] *doesn't particularly see any reason to. It's a vine, and it's not like it's actually raping anyone at the moment.*
[Vine - is growing]
[stream - is doing what streams do best]
[Grant] *turns and starts wandering off with his axe* So, anyone up for descending into a dangerous tunnel?
[Bal] - I like the tunnels!
[Gwen] Oooh! *raises her hand*
[Grant] Okay. You good with a scythe?
[Bal] - Yes. Do you have one?
[Gwen] Sure he does. He's a chopper.
[Grant] Yep. How the hell do you use one, anyhow? It doesn't look like it's all that good for a damn thing, really.
[Grant] I mean, sure, you could swing it and get it stuck in someone's guts. Then what? You've got a big stick with a pissy-lookin' fellow on the end.
[Gwen] I bet you could cut someone's head off with one. *shivers*
[Bal] - Yes. They are good for cutting heads off.
[Grant] Well, maybe if you hit them in the throat.
[Grant] I dunno -- it just doesn't LOOK like it should work, to me, anyhow. Maybe I'm missing the technique.
[Bal] - Is it sharp?
[Grant] It was last I checked. All this rain, it might be getting rusty.
[Gwen] Do you have a chainsaw?
[Grant] Nah. Hardware store does, but everything I buy from there has a bad habit of ceasing to exist when I'm looking for it.
[Gwen] *sighs* I can't go to a hardware store.
[Grant] Any particular reason?
[Gwen] No.
[Grant] Good. As long as it's senseless.
[Gwen] If there isn't a reason, then is cannot make sense, but it also cannot not make sense. *grins* I have a future in politics.
[Grant] You wanna be mayor?
[Gisella] - *is now playing on the merry-go-round*
[Gwen] If it comes with a chainsaw.
[Grant] I'm sure you could requisition one.
[Gwen] Nope, I can't do anything that I don't know the definition of.
[Grant] Well, it involves rope, bedposts, and a twelve-guage shotgun.
[Grant] ... no, wait, that's exorcism. Close enough, though.
[Bal] - Judi, do you want to go into the tunnels?
[Gwen] I don't think that's exorcism. I think there are men who pay good money for that.
[Grant] Huh. People are fucking freaks.
[Gwen] Only if you pay them enough.
[Sara] *Is standing quietly listening to all of them. Smiles over at Gisella at the merry-go-round.*
[Grant] *shrugs and heads over to mess with a rock.*
[Gisella] - Will you play with me Sara?
[Judi]: Let's do it.
[Bal] - *looks happy* Lets go! *heads towards the trees*
[Grant] Now where was that tunnel...
[Judi]: *follows the bouncing Bal*
[Gwen] *follows, bowl still in hand*
[It's beside the viney tree, not far from the rock]
[Sara] When I get back sweetie, I wanta go with them! *Smiles, starts to follow others.*
[Grant] *eyes the tunnel* Hmm. *wanders thataway* Damn thing moves.
[Judi]: I know ... it's creepy, ain't it?
[Gisella] - *is beside Sara suddenly* Where are you going?
[Grant] Eh, I'm used to it -- it just pisses me off, that's all.
[Gisella] - I don't want to be left alone.
[Grant] *trots on thataway*
[Sara] Tunnels? I think. I don't know if you should come. What if your mom comes looking for you?
[Gisella] - I don't want to stay by myself. It's scary.
[Sara] Alright, you can come with me I guess. Don't let Bal see you. *Smiles and follows Grant.*
[Bal] - *heads on into the tunnels*
[Tunnels - the same featureless stone walls, floor and ceiling that they have always been]
[Grant] So. These are the tunnels. Pretty, huh?
[Gisella] - You aren't scared of them? *following Sara*
[It looks like one tunnel- but you haven't been in them for very long, hehe]
[Grant] Let's see if we can get to New Orleans today?
[Grant] *knocks on the wall*
[Gwen] *looks totally freaked out as she follows, and put the bowl on her head like a helmet*
[Bal] I haven't been to New Orleans before.
[Gisella] - *holding Sara's hand* Its dark in here...
[Grant] Well, this way. *fishes out his penlight, and lights the way as he walks* And if you suddenly end up alone, relax, the tunnel does that sometimes.
[Sara] *Smiles at Gisella, taking her hand.* No! These look really cool. Yeah it's alittle dark, nothing in the dark that isn't in the light.! *smiles again.*
[Grant] It's sort of like a low-rated B-movie that way.
[Judi]: *follows, holding Bal's hand*
[Bal] - *turns left, because he can either turn left or go straight*
[Sara - you see a staircase beside you]
[Everyone else- you choose who to follow]
[Grant] *is smelling the pungent mildew emanating from the wet dungeon walls, and pretty much mellow.*
[Sara] *Glances at the staircase then everyone else. She then goes to the staircase, making sure the girl is still with her.*
[Gwen] *follows Bal*
[Gisella] - *is with Sara*
[Bal & Co.] - *walk a little ways and find an old door.*
[Up the staircase- *is a little room, filled with easels, paints, and other art stuff*
[Bal] - *opens the door*
[Gisella] - *looking at all of the art stuff in the room* Sara, you make really pretty pictures, can you make one of me, but as a grownup instead of a kid?
[Sara] *Goes into the room looking delighted. Like a little kid in a candy shop.* Sure I will. *Big smile.*
[Bal] - *has opened a door, and stands aside for someone else to go in first*
[Gisella] - *is having her portrait painted by Sara.*
[Judi]: *goes first*
[Sara] *Is looking everything over. Then fines some oil paints and a nice size canvas, and settles behind an easel to paint Gisella.*
[Gwen] *nods but looks too frightened to go on* I can keep watch. For... vines?
[Bal] - *holds his hand out* We won't let anything happen to you.
[Gwen] *takes his hand* Okay.
[Bal] - *heads on in with the Gwen*
[It appears to be a basement. Not one that you recognize, but it's kind of moldy, and filled with decaying dolls. creepy.]
[Judi]: *... and the Judi*
[yeah yeah]
[Gwen] *whimpers*
[Bal] - I haven't been here before... Is this where you wanted to go Grant?
[Grant] Hm. Give me a minute. *wanders up to the basement door*
[Where did Grant want to go?]
[Sara] *Is humming a song as she paints, not letting Gisella see in till she's done.*
[Gisella] - *wants to see*
[Grant] *heads for the door* Well, let's see.
[Sara] Not yet silly! *Smiles*
[It will lead to a house that is where he wanted to go]
[Grant] Huh. *peers out the window* Whaddaya know -- that's Bourbon Street. I think I'm getting better at this.
[Grant] Seeya later, guys. *bolts ... well, no, doesn't, just makes as if planning on doing so, hehe*
[Bal] - Bye! Have fun!
[Bal] - *to Judi* What's Bourbon street?
[Grant] It's a street in New Orleans. C'mon out and have a look, if you want.
[Bal] - Wow! I haven't been there before! *drags the Judi and Gwen with him*
[Judi]: *dumbfounded* Jesus Christ on a motorcycle, it's N'awlins.
[Gwen] *looks around for Jesus on a motorcycle*
[Bal] - Don't be silly. Jesus drives a Porsche.
[Judi]: *blink* He does?
[Grant] Told you.
[Grant] Actually, Hasseus is a coyote in Texas.
[Grant] He drives a van.
[Bal] - Hasseus has a '79 impala... well I saw him driving one...
[Sara] *Finishes the painting after what seems, to her anyway, like a long while. She smiles at Gisella.* You can see it now. It's still wet though.
[Grant] *heads on out to check on the state of the world*
[Its new orleans, 2006. Nothing odd about it, other than how you got there]
[Bal] - Do you like this city Judi?
[Judi]: *nods, a little in awe* I ain't been here since '72, but ... yeah, it's an amazin' place.
[Grant] C'mon, let's go get a burger.
[Bal] - *cheerfully follows, because burgers are good*
[Gwen] *takes the bowl off her head and goes along*
[Grant] *trots off to do that.*
[Judi]: *follows Bal, looking around at .. holy crap, it's still N'awlins*
[Gisella] - *takes a look at the picture*
[Bal] - You picked a nice place Grant!
[Painting] *Is of an older Gisella standing in an open field filled with colorful flowers. Think wizard of Oz, the scene were folks are falling asleep in the field of flowers. The sky has big clouds, which look like different things depending on which way you look at them.*
[Gisella] - Thank you. That's just how I want to look one day. *smiles*
[Grant] *nod* This is my hometown.
[Gisella] - *looks like
http://ia.imdb.com/media/imdb/01/I/23/25/29m.jpg now- huh.. she's gotten a little older.. and now the painting has the kid-gisella in it*
[Sara] *Big Smile, watches and looks as if to say something but seems like she can't find the words. Or at leased say the words.*
[Sara] *Stands smiling at the now older girl. Has a weird look on her face, like a displaced feeling has come over her and she frowns a little.*
[Gisella] - Are you coming over for dinner Sara? *smiles*
[Sara] *Clears her throat, making a scratching sound. Then smiles.* Of course I am. We should fine the others. *Hands Gisella her painting that's almost dry.* Be careful the tops wet.
[Gisella] - Thank you Sara. I'm so glad to be your friend.
[Sara] So am I. It's so cold in here... I like this room. Maybe we can come back sometime. *Smiles and starts heading towards the stairs to look for the others.*
[Gisella] - I wonder where they could be?
[The tunnels seem to have a lot of turns]
[Sara] Grant? Bal? Judi? Were'd ya go?
[Bal] - *is currently holding Judi's hand, and walking in New Orleans*
[Tunnels - twist and turn some more]
[Grant] *is looking for a good restaurant to buy people a damn burger. Hehe.*
[Sara] It's so cold. You cold Gisella? *Is following tunnels in the search for the others.*
[Gisella] - Yes... Where are we?
[you seem to be walking endlessly, through tunnels that seem to move, and twist and turn]
[Sara] I don't know? Grant... Mr. Mayor person you still down here? *Stops a moment, leaning against the wall.*
[Gisella] - *bangs on the tunnel walls* Let us out!!
[Tunnel- *doesn't let them out. Now there is a spiral staircase in front of them*
[Sara] *Smiles at it a little.* So its the staircase then. *starts up it.*
[The stairs lead upward, into a deep basement, where once making four left turns, Sara ends up with the rest of the group as they leave New Orleans. Gisella is not there however]