Oct 03, 2008 23:05
I forgot I even had this! It is interesting to go back and look at everything I used to write. I think I had a blogspot account, too, but I can't find it. I have a confession to make. I have been thinking about Eric a lot and it is killing me. I have been saying it for 3 years now... I will never love someone like I did/do him. I love Brandon... but man, it just can't compare... and I never even SEE Eric! (or talk to for that matter). That's enough on that subject.
Best Buy people are making me so mad. Apparently there is a rumor going around that I am seeing this guy at work. I AM NOT SEEING ANYONE OTHER THAN BRANDON! I wish people wouldn't make ASSumptions... it hurts pretty bad. It actually makes me want to quit. Why would I want to work somewhere that everyone thinks I am a cheater. I can't handle it. I have cut off BBY communication except 2 or 3 people I trust, who don't even work at my store... bummer.
I am just so down in the dumps right now... I seem to be that way a lot lately.