Jul 24, 2006 12:19
Things I learned in Quebec:
-both wild boar and carribou are amazing
-it's possible to get lost in an elevator
-canadians as a whole are exponentially thinner than americans, and therefore the ratio of hotties to normal people is much smaller than here
-i can hold my breath for over a minute easy, maybe my lungs aren't as toasty as I thought they were (=
-new speed record in the beemer: 114 comin through the green mountains yesterday
-buddy "the golden retarded" (retriever) might come to live with us, as soon as cheryl is tired of him
Things I re-learned in Quebec:
-my mom is psychotic, although in thoroughly unpredicable ways; she bought me a really nice peace pipe and an ounce of native american ceremonial smoking herbs
-my grandmother can still way outdrink me. try more than a pitcher of sangria more.
-I do miss her, a lot