I finished the book "The Shack"

Jul 06, 2011 16:33

Hey guys! ;)

I haven't posted here for a long time haha but I came back :) I finished the book "The Shack" and it was in some weeks ago. It is really amazing. If you have questions about God, you should for sure, read this book. I didn't believe in God, I thought he couldn't be real and if he is real, why doesn't he help us when we need so much? Some people think he helps and that it is a kind of miracle, but if I were you, I'd read this book even if you believe God. Even people who believes "him" have many questions to be clarified.

I'd not say it is a boring book to read only because it is about God. It has a bit of mistery and such..I also think kids shouldn't read it. It is pretty mature for some people and they might don't understand many points that only an old person could get it easily.
Well, I'm reading now "The Book Thief" and it is sooooooooo amazing! :D I'm kinda "eating" it so fast haha. I'm only waiting for my winter break to read it faster :)

I hope you liked the post. I just had to post something about my precious books ♥ Cya in the next post <3

reviews, books

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