Dear Journal,
First of all, I would like to appologize to anyone who witnessed me quoting Hamlet at the cafe. I usually don't quote Shakespeare unless I'm sleepwalking or drunk, but I was having a reeeeally bad nicotine fit and things got a little out of hand. I'll try not to let it happen again. "I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mir-" Whoops, almost relapsed a little there. Well, I'll work on it at least. Not my fault that Hamlet's so damned appropriate for just about every occaison. Shin, Shuten, it really was lovely to meet you. Thank you for offering to help with my apartment. Hopefully I'll overcome my debilitating nicotine cravings in time to behave like a normal person the next time we meet. ^^;
But in other news, Gun called me today! Ask and ye shall recieve, or so it would seem. He's visiting home right now but he promised to bring me his Uncle's recipe for chicken wings and some spices that I can't get around here. Which reminds me that I need to finish picking the furniture for my apartment so I can hurry up and move in. I should be able to get that all done shortly after the trip, which leaves on Thursday. I still think it's a bad idea to go, with both Edward and Alphonse there, but if I cling to Brenner and Kay-chan for dear life it may not be so bad. We're gonna be there for a pretty long time. I need to talk to Rufus about possibly delaying the New Year's party, as there's no way in HELL I'd miss that. Kay-chan, we need to go shopping tomorrow or something, in case there's anything else I need before we leave.
Gun said that Yazoo's sick again. I'd like to- *gets that paranoid feeling again and looks around her room* Shit, I need to learn how to make these things unhackable or something. Is unhackable even a word? *runs out to the store to by a real journal instead*