Declaration of Absence

Oct 16, 2006 22:06

So, I have a major test tomorrow. Two quizes and a midterm on weds. Work tomorrow morning, thursday, probably friday and potentially saturday[we shall see]. I have a project I should do for my speech class in order to make up some of the points I'll be missing from not doing the speech that I was supposed to do. so basically the next two days are going to be nonstop studying with brief breaks for food.

I have come to the conclusion that I am stretched to thinly at the moment. It is affecting me physically by making me sick [been coming down with a cold for about two weeks, it's stabalized into this coughing and feeling slightly blah sort of thing and refuses to either heal itself and be better or just go fullblown sick and lay me out for a few days], it's effecting me mentally as evidenced by memory having gone to heck in the past few weeks or so, and emotionally by the fact my mood is relatively dark [which consequently effects my mental and physical aspects negatively as well]. The rational solution to this knowledge is to cut back on some of my overscheduling.

So I will take the rational option and cut back. Being as I need to attend schooling since I pay for it, and I need to attend my job as it pays me so I can pay for it, I will be cutting back on the only expendabe area of my life, namely the social aspects of my life.

So do not worry or become distaught at my disappearance from the internet or wherever it is I socialize with you at, it is a temporary event unless discover it leads to greater happiness on my part, in which case it will become permanent. At any rate, at least till midterms are finished I will be making myself scarce in order to focus my attention on the things that will benefit me most in the long term consideration of my goals.

This does not mean that I hate you all, that I am irritated with any of you, or that I am being antisocial and it does not mean I am giving credence to any of the darker ideas that I have told some of you about recently, so do not worry. As I said I anticipate this being only temporary. I am simply taking the advice I frequently give to others and finally listening to my own wisdom for a change.

Until further, have a pleasant life. Do not stress to much about things, it will all work out so long as you keep a level head and strive forward with perseverance. Do what you can do, and do not fret about what you can't. Take the time to really see and enjoy the pleasant things in life because if you do not you will regret it later. In all honesty, life is very short and what you are stressing about now and filling all of you thoughts with will not really matter in a year or two. We go through life so quickly, always rushing and trying to go faster. Drinking coffee so that we can accomplish even more. In essence we are simply rushing towards death, and when we finally get there we will realize to late that we missed out on our life.

Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy the weather. Take the time to see a sunset, or a sunrise once in awhile. We live on a truly beautiful planet. We are blest, if we would only take the time to consider what we have rather then worrying about what we still need to get.

That is my advice, and that is what I intend to do. I will talk to you folks later, prolly two weeks from now, possibly before that, but I must go and study now. ^.^

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