Sep 06, 2006 22:25
I'm sort of in an eh kind of mood. I'm not certain whether I should be optomistic or pessimistic and so I simply am. It is not a bad place to be really. It's rather restful what with how I am usually so animated and extreme in my emotions and thinking.
Just being is a very peaceful state in my way of thinking.
I would never be able to stand this sort of thing for long. =P
Managed to get my futton couch, it's in Tampa presently. Next problem is removing the bed currently in my room, and cleaning out an area for said couch to be placed. It will do much to improve my spirits once I get that accomplished though. I think if I can manage to get my room straightened up I can focus my efforts in the job field with a bit more enthusiasm. Would do greatly to improve my work ethic in school as well I imagine.
Anyway, got work tomorrow. An eleven hour shift. I don't think it will be that bad really.
Went to the doctors today, they said my foot was fine. Might have a mild case of tendonitus, but since it's clearing up on it's own they say not to worry about it. gave me some samples of antiinflamitory pills though that might come in handy someday. Basically it was twenty bucks spent to be told to keep doing what I'm doing and call if things get worse. =/
Missed a class for that too. >.<
Tis allright though.
I fiddled around with the colors on my lj page. I like the result greatly. I forgot how much fun it is to fiddle about with html. ^.^ I'm an odd one I know.
Considering job fields to look into actually. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I would like something that is somewhat less stressful then my present field of employment, and potentially doesn't have me standing on my feet for ten to twelve hours a day. =/
I figure though that I should get myself a bit out of debt and settle my room and things before doing a massive upheaval of my income stability. It doesn't hurt to plan ahead though.
At any rate, I should probably head to bed shortly being as I must awaken in a short amount of time. ^.^ Good Night All. Have a good evening. ^.^