Life, Love, and those oddities inbetween.

Jun 10, 2006 15:48

I suppose it's a notion we all outgrow eventually, soulmates. I think that love is endless and capable of growing infinitly. I believe that there are a million 'soulmates' out there for everyone.

All it takes is finding someone willing, getting to know them, and working through any problems that arise after that. It's merely a matter of finding someone that's somewhat physically appealing. [notice I didn't say attractive, there's a difference. It's the difference between who you would want for a wife and who you would want for someone to cheat on your wife with.] Then you decide this is the person you want to be with.

There are more factors then physical looks of course, physical is merely the first thing that usually catches the eye. It is what weighs the least in the analysis of things though.

For someone to be truly appealing, not merely attractive, they must possess what I call the three P's: Physical, Personality, Pressence.

Physical is pretty easy, I covered it in the above cut.

Personality is a given too, basically it's someone who you find interesting, that you can consider a friend, is easy to get along with and is generally someone who compliments your own personality in a style you like. I prefer my mates to have a few key traits: kind, responsible, easy going, and balanced. I like them to have the personality to be able to be serious when a situation calls for being serious, and to be goofy when a situation doesn't call for being serious, and to possess the wisdom to know the difference between the two.

Pressence is a bit different. It's hard to explain. It's that lingering touch when you leave a good friend, and immediately miss them. Or when you haven't talked to someone in awhile it's that indescribable quality that is missing from your life. That you can never seem to figure out, but that you don't feel is gone when they are around.

Pressence can also be in the form of confidence, someone who is comfortable in their own skin is a major turn on to a woman. Someone who I am able to talk to for hours, or who I am able to sit with and not say anything but still feel the time was well spent. That is someone with pressence.

For me, my particular turn on is a good mind. Someone intelligent, not merely IQ points mind you, but actual knowledge. They don't even have to be an expert at something, if they are versed in a great many different things, and I can carry on a conversation with them and learn something new [or go over something old] and not feel inferior, then by god that's hawt. XD

I have three examples of minds I positively adore [though for totally different reasons on all three accounts]: My friend Der, Fuzzy [no freckle, I don't want your man, I just like his brainz xD], and Deven. Intelligence, Wit, Humour, and Wisdom contained within a single sphere of personality. @.@ Definately hawt. xD

Eh, so I like this guy. ^.^ I don't think it will work out though, not currently anyway. I see no way our life paths will ever cross. >.< "BUT!" you say, "BUT IF IT'S LOVE THEN WHY NOT MAKE IT HAPPEN!"

Because love does not ask another to give up their dreams and their plans. I cannot ask him to give up his life goals and I cannot give up my own. [hell my own aren't even fully formed yet. xD] As I said, there are mutliple soul mates for everyone in the world, and while I do love him in that odd sort of way that will stick forever, I do not anticipate it being anything more then a friendship as the logistics are too great to work out at this moment. Perhaps someday. ^.^ Till then I am happy to have such a great friend. [and no, none of you know him. =P]

ANyway, that's my odd sort of moment out on a limb for awhile. Off to do things and pack and stuff, going on vacation with the family. It'll be nice. Haven't really spent time together, on the road, like the old days in a long time. I miss traveling. I miss the close proximity of other people who are close to you. I miss just generally having adventures with people I love. ^.^

I am glad I am going on vacation with my family. I leave the fourteenth and shan't return till the twenty fourth. Dunno if I will have internet access or not, so this could be my last update for awhile.

So, till I see ya'll again, Ja Matta!

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