So as it turns out, life really hates me, and my laptop died again. Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, because it really has been coming for months (-w-;;) BUT I HAVEN'T FINISHED BACKING UP MY NANOWRIMO FROM THIS YEAR AND IF I CAN'T GET ON TO MY LAPTOP EVER AGAIN I'LL LOSE EIGHT THOUSANDS WORDS. EIGHT. THOUSAND. WORDS. From right after Luca and Jack finally speak to each other, all the way through meeting Vander and Heyden, and right up to the final battle with Arshtat WILL ALL BE GONE BECAUSE LIFE HATES ME.
No, really. I'm like, super depressed about this. I knew my laptop was going to die soon, so why didn't I finish uploading the whole thing to google docs? Why didn't I copy and paste those last eight thousand words and save myself from even caring that my laptop is dead? (you know, aside from the fact that I actually really like my and laptop and am quite sad that it's dead in general, not just because of my NaNo) Granted, in my defense, this happened on like, December 7th and I was still basking in the glow of another completed year of brilliance, but still. also, that is why i've dropped off the face of lj. i've been going on facebook with my PSP, but live journal is too much for it to handle and the family computer is so slow that i'd actually rather commit sepuku than use it on any normal day... but I actually had time to waste today, so I figured, "Why the hell not? I'll wait half an hour to go on Live journal. It'll be fun!" but mainly because I wanted to complain about my unfortunate circumstances. ;_____;
(i also hate the keyboard on this computer. am so used to using laptops now. D:)
anyways. i've been thinking about getting a new laptop, since this is the second time it's died because of the same problem, but that doesn't actually help me get any of my files off my old computer. though, i suppose it could be worse; i did manage to sync my iPod within those last few days, so at least I have all my music, if nothing else. (;w;)
anyways... in better news, i finally picked up Crisis Core! Haha. and lemme just say: totally awesome. i love zack. and the fighting style took a bit of getting used to, but it wasn't bad. though admittedly, i've gotten most of the way through it, but i'm afraid to finish now, 'cause i don't want Zack to die. I'll totally cry. ;_________;
Well, as far as other news goes... Christmas was pretty good. I got some pretty awesome stuff, so I can't really complain. And then on New Year's, I was stuck babysitting my two year old niece (though she was asleep for most of it, haha) and I wound up being in the car on the way home when the ball dropped, so I missed that. -3- But, I did get paid fifty bucks, so it was worth it, I suppose. ;P
Also, we're hiring two new people at my work. I'm not really sure what to make of it yet, since they're high school girls, and from my experience, high school girls tend to think themselves the shit and look down on everyone else (for some reason i've never been able to figure out, since we all know that high school really really sucks.) but luckily, i won't be working with them for a while, since they need to be trained and what not.
Anyways. I guess that's mostly it.
Okay. Now you can go. ;P