Huh. Obama won. I don't know how to feel about this, aside from baffled. I am worried about what will become of our country. Not because of the Democrat/Republican lines that are drawn, but by the mass of liberal thinking in America. Our Health Care, Our Education, our Children, our Economy? What is going to happen with him leading us? Will he fix what's going on? Or is he (as much of my Sociology class theorizes) be killed within a year or less? If so, what about Biden? Either way, there are so many issues, it worries me.
My mom was telling me about a law or bill (can't remember at the moment) that is attempting to be passed. It takes away all rights of a parent. If your child wants to join a cult, or doesn't want to go to church/synagouge/mosque whatever, you can't make them. Now I'm not a parent, nor do I ever intend to be, but this strikes me as very wrong. Democrats are now the lead in the house, the senate and the White House.. Clinton tried to take this to be passed, but felt he couldn't because they didn't have enough Democrats to get it to pass.
I believe that abuse is wrong, and children should be loved, but i don't believe in spoiling them rotten by not giving them structure and being allowed to do whatever the hell they want. If you spoil a child, and don't mak them work for anything, they grow up without any respect for work, or the value of it. They expect everything to be given to them. This has been proven by many studies (ask my psych teach for which ones, or the math prof in my class XD ). What will happen, if all of America is like this? I'll have more once I can do the full research on it, but for now, the fact that Barack Obama has been elected, leaves me extremely worried.
Posting up the link.