I think I've watched these clips like a hundred times and it cracks me up every time xD
It's such a shame to keep them to myself =3
IPOD MP4 Format
Can be played with every IPOD or IPHONE
3 Clips
- Arashi no Shukudai-kun
- Ryûsei no Kizuna cast at Tokyo Friends Park II
- Nishikido Ryo singing "love me tender"
Clip 1) Arashi no Shukudai-kun - Arashi synchronizing
Arashi are very confident when they were told to perform A.RA.SHI without seeing or hearing each other...
Arashi, Arashi for Dream~ [EDIT]
Thanks to nadiah_a I can tell you which episode this clip is from:
2007-09-03 Arashi no Shukudai-kun
You can download it here with subs:
http://techni-teddy.livejournal.com/6372.html Clip 2) Tokyo Friends Part II - Ryûsei no Kizuna team as guests
This clip shows one game they were playing at TFP II. Very funny xD
Sen no kaze ni~ Clip 3) Nishikido Ryo - Love me tender (dorama clip)
One of Ryo's most embarrassing moments ever when he was shown this clip at SCP *hihihihi*
Love me tender, love me sweet~