Title: Beautiful Life
Artist: Mitsu / Mitsuno
Disclaimer: I doen't own him, I know.
A/N: portrait of Jaejoong ;__;". I'm kinda satisfied with the outcome @_@
(I hope you guys can regcognize him >__<;)
Fanart - Small Version
Let me begin by saying that this is the first portrait I ever did.
I really like this. And I'm proud of it, somehow. Even though it doesn't look like Jaejoong but at least you can recognize him ;_;"? But well, le me tell you that I thought that I can't even do something like this before >__<; It was -by far- the hardest and difficultest fanart that I ever drew. I messed his hand up..gahh this was so damned difficult, you know T___T...but all in all I'm happy with it ^///^!Hope I can do a better one someday!
I hope that you guys enjoyed this one , although you already know this picture (the original), right ^^?
LOVE YOU GUYS ^0^!!!*group hugs*
Comments are <3 !
PS: I had too much fun that I make more versions of this one..stupid mitsu x///x