Wow. Just wow.
Chris Sanders gets sent an angry letter about his nude drawings. As he stated in the journal entry, this begs the question- what the hell are you doing sitting with a six year old browsing a website called "deviantART"? A site which, if you bother to pay attention, has plenty of content filters and doesn't actually allow pornography to be submitted on the site.
People need to calm down. We are the only country that gets up in arms about something as simple as nudity. Why do people lack the distinction between plain nudity and pornography? Why go off on an artist for posting to their own gallery, under a filter? Why not just sit down with your child and try to explain in terms they might understand what it is they're looking at, instead of flipping out and writing a letter, when you're the one in the wrong?
I love the fact that this woman told Chris Sanders what counts as artistic nudity and what doesn't. Because, you know, he's not a professional artist or anything. He didn't attend art school or direct films or anything. I'm sure she did, right?
Holy GOD this kind of thing pisses me off. He handled it far better than I would have.