Hey guys. Sorry, I'm really bad about updating this thing lately. I'll get better, promise!
Right now, I've got my fingers in too many pies. Work's going well, er... should I say... I'm getting more proficient at my job - figuring out problems and such. It's nice to be able to solve things. I'm trying to take more initiative.
I got a letter of commendation last week. One of the higher ups is leaving and he wrote a letter to each of our supervisors for every individual on the team. My supervisor put me in for an award and a $250 cash bonus. Which was nice. That was a good time to ask for a promotion, which is exempt from the salary freeze. So we'll see how that turns out.
What else am I doing? I'm writing articles for Craig, and one's due right now. Top 10 lists that deal with meeting women. It'll be some extra cash, which I could use, and I'll learn from the expert. Always a good thing.
Parkour = excellent. I learned cat grabs the other night. Kicked ass on it. Tonight, monkey kongs. You'd know what it was if you saw it. Looking forward to it, but praying I don't get hurt. But by the end of the night, I'll either have it down solid, or I won't.
Doing really well with CrossFit this week. Kick ass performance. I'm beating some of our firebreathers.
We did this one the other day:
2 Rounds
10 GHD Situps
20 Knees To Elbows
30 Situps
10 Deadlifts @ 225#
20 KB Swings @ 24kg
30 GH Raises
10 Box Jumps @ 20"
20 Jumping Lunges
30 Double Unders
20 Ring Dips
30 Pushups
32:01 Rx
That was a lot of fun, actually. As you can see, 4 triplets (3 exercises that target one muscle group). Although I gotta say one round was more than enough. Ouch!
I'm also participating in the CrossFit band, which we've named AMRAP. We've decided to debut at the CrossFit Prom in 2 weeks which doesn't give us a lot of time. And this is the first time I've ever played with other musicians, so it's an interesting experience. I'm loving it.
I'll leave you with a commericial we shot last night for the band. Enjoy.
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