(no subject)

Jun 02, 2024 15:21


Хочешь, пришли мне своё видение проблемы русско-американских отношений в связи с событиями на Украине.
Единственная просьба - корректно сделай. Чтобы мне блог сразу не прибили.
То есть, без эмоций.
Изложи своё, и вообще, ваше видение проблемы.
И пути решения этой маленькой неувязочки.
И причины возникновения такой острой международной ситуации.
1)мне самому это будет крайне интересно
2)моим читателям
3)мне это будет неплохая реклама, если я выложу компетентное мнение противника.
Я уже объявил, что хотя ты противник, ты мне друг почти четверть века.
А дружба сильнее войны.
Это будет интересная попытка диалога именно внутри.
А я тебе дам все ссылки и все комментарии.
Только не растекайся мышью по древу, кратенько, одна, максимум две странички. Конспективно. А то читать никто не станет.
У американцев организм нежный. Они не могут прямо так вот выпить стакан водки и отбацать две страницы матерного текста про Путина. Им надо выкурить биаровую трубку при луне, съездить на побережье залива и всё такое прочее.
Господа, я могу сам написать этот текст, но это же будет не то?
Это будет подделка той настоящей англо-саксонской ярости, что выдаст мой контрагент, когда выкурит трубку, сходит на горшок, снимет леди на полночи и всё такое прочее.
Я, простой русский паренёк, мог бы и без этого обойтись,
Но это же будет подделка? Это будет не то?
Ждём, господа, англо-сакс думает, набирает вдохновение и оттачивает стиль.


Гора опохмелилась, и родила мышь, снабжённую ядовитыми зубами. Хотел на языке оргинала - изволь. Если надо, переведу на Русский (ибо, опасаюсь за точность перевода, а это в таком тексте важно).

Russia and US.

Even this set of words seems to be quite ambiguous: does it mean Russia - and the country named the United States? Or is it just Russia and certain crowd, considered as... ? Well... everyone may take it as he wants.

Most likely if you ask an average American living deep in God Blessed Fly-Over-Country what does he think about Russia he'll get slightly confused - for he thinks about that remote and strange land almost as little as about Tralfamadour, or about any other lost and buried under the sands of fantasy forgotten shitholes which no one of his neighbors ever bothered to visit.

Those of us who - by accident, or for sake of making some money - had to learn a thing or two about that foreign place, almost inevitably becomes confused and feels lost after first couple of steps into deep.

Land of a great culture? Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin? But there is no way to translate (let alone understand!) Pushkin - Vladimir Nabokov tried, and built two huge bricks-of-books on one relatively short novel by this poet. Tolstoy? Translate it from what language, exactly - French? Russian? Besides - even being translated, the great Russian saga War and Peace seems to be elusive, illogical, fragmentary; lacks elementary internal connections and - hate to say so but! - is simply written badly. Take for instance the very title of this classics: in pre-revolutionary days it had a meaning of War and SOCIETY - just because the second word in it had a different letter in the middle that changed everything. Or - read attentive episode by episode: do you remember what metal was the cross given by Mary to her brother made of? And what was it made of - when French marauder takes it from Andrey's neck at Austerlitz?

And there are a lot more of other things one could have fun to look at. In its general conception that book had been written by the person struggling with a heavy Messianic complex - or rather to say, not struggling but gloriously enjoying it. Just like charlatan preachers of our Ol' Good Midwest, he knows every last thing - and even declares his divine opinion on what verse in Bible he believes and which worth nothing. Comparing to these omnipotent ambitions Donald Trump looks a humble lilliput. Thank Lord, we've seen this before!

Dostoevsky? There are a lot of writers suffering from mental problems and addictions (in Feodor Mikhaylovich' case its heavy gambling), and even more - with rushing against the deadlines, but no one - not O.Henry, nor Balzac nor Azimov - transformed so many young people into useless neurostenics and half-minded loonie-beans.

You know, sometimes I even wonder - isn't this great literature just a great deception created and blown-out only to protect that mysterious swampy land from possible foreign invaders?! Look, Germans took it seriously - and lost two wars with Russians!

But I am loosing the mark. What are our feelings - or sentiments - towards Mother Russia? For instance, there is a lot of hate carefully cultivated there against the UK. It's a matter of a good taste in Moscow - when a conversation comes to a standstill - to mention a cholera in Odessa, or to admit that an Englishwoman pissed in their teapot (more modern variant: Obama shitted in their elevator).

It's completely understandable - at the year of 1939 Russia signed the pact with Nazi Germany, and not only supplied Hitler with everything he might need to keep fighting but also enjoyed the fourth division of Poland - this time between Stalin and Hitler. At that time UK fought the Nazis alone.

And when the Soviet Union was already an ally to the US, and enjoyed lend-lease in its full throttle, USSR continued delivering oil to Imperial Japan, against which the US and the UK fought.

Again - quite normal reaction, and completely understandable wish to hide one's rotten tomato among the grapes of noble rage. The Soviets always had the best pens at their service.

The straight and simple question who did an actual shitting and where exactly, seems to be very inconvenient one these days. Nobody wants to recall such occasions like an activity of American Relieve Administration in Soviet Russia during the infamous famine of twenties in XX century, or American humanitarian and military aid to the USSR during the World war - nor even these giant Globemasters C-17, delivering food and medical supplies to the modern days' Russia (by the way - have you ever heard from your recent-days' mass-media that this new-era lifesaving air support had been delivered for free, and every last package of it had been sold for profit by the Russian side?).

So, how do we feel about Russia, and its inhabitants? About the people who has not even slight idea of how gratitude or even clear memory might look like. About the country with constant imperial ambitions, trying to steal more and more land from its neighbors - when it has much more territories than it can even simply manage. About the mass-media not only lying to the people - but creating the full-blown picture of never-been history, and successfully selling it to everyone willing to listen. About the government and so-called national elite, fully swamped into corruption and robbery, busy with only one thing: to stay at the reins.

Do we really hate all this? No. One cannot hate what he despises.

Авторский перевод просто необходим для точного понимания твоего высказывания.
Если это возможно, хорошо было бы получить перевод как можно быстрее.

Твой друг Митя

СВО, Война-22, Алекс Ольтманс

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