Good run

May 23, 2008 00:21

I've never lost someone before. Ever. If I feel more pain for a person than for my pet...I don't even want to think about it. We put Spree down today, 14 years old. I know she was old and cranky and she didn't like many people...but I grew up with her. I was 6 when I got her as a birthday gift from my mom and dad. The day my mom made the appointment to put her down, I laid down next to her bed and cried for an hour straight before going to sleep. And even with her dimentia (I don't think she knew any of us anymore), and with the pain it caused her to even move from the arthritis, she got out of bed to lay next to me as I cried. I had approved her death, and she was comforting me. She was in so much pain though, she was blind, she didn't respond to her name anymore, she would wander aimlessly in circles panting, it was terrible. It had to be done. And she hated the vet, as most dogs do. We could tell the moment we brought her in that she was terrified, and it was all I could do to stop myself from bursting into tears right there. The night I found out we were doing it...I don't think I have cried so hard in my life. My eyes were so puffy and red that, had I not known better, I could have sworn they were infected. I need sleep, and I can't type this anymore, so I'm done.
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