Jul 20, 2008 19:43
So I've got one HASS-D left, and the time has come for me to finish it. Do any of you have opinions on/experiences with these classes:
21M.030 Introduction to World Music (P. Tang) -- specifically, how onerous was the fact that you have to go and see performances? How hard would it be for a non-music person?
21M.065 Introduction to Musical Composition (E. Ziporyn) -- how much would a beginner get out of this class (ie, was it generally good/fun)?
21H.001 How to Stage a Revolution (W. Broadhead, J. Ravel, E. Wood).
STS.002 Toward the Scientific Revolution (R. Eason)
STS.005 Disease and Society in America (Staff)
I have categories 1, 3, and 5 left, and these classes seemed the most interesting to me. But I'm more interested in taking a class that I will enjoy than one that has material that I think I'll like; other suggestions from these categories are welcome!