Dec 23, 2005 13:45
I've been maening to come here and discuss something I found out the day before my birthday from my mother. It's not been bothering me so much, as, making me, wonder. Me, Rachael & Nancy were on our way to Jupiter to have mmy bday dinner with my family. And something came up with my mother where we started discussing her children, and what the pregnancies were like. She was talking about how Lisa was the hell child during pregnancy & Kevin was a big baby. Ray goes, "what was Heath like in your womb?" or something. And Nancy started getting into this deep experience with me. Apparently back in the day a sonogram wasn't a mandatory procedure, so, when I came along there wasn't enough money to get one. So the doctor had no idea what I was, whether I was a boy, girl, etc. So my mom went into the story about how when she was about 5/6 months pregnant she was moving into Wellington. My father wasn't in the picture at this time because he & her were seperated temporarily. So it was Frankie, my mom & grandparents moving. My mom had this box in her arms, and she tripped and fell right onto one of those car stoppers in a parking lot. I had already heard this before and thought she was just getting into the story for Ray. But then she continues on with it. She had gone to the doctor, and was in excruciating pain the entire day. She said she couldn't feel right, and she felt something was terribley wrong. But the doctor said things looked fine from his perspective and sent her home. She said the rest of the pregnancy she didn't feel right. Things inside her were different and felt very weird throughout it. When it came time for me to be born things went fine. She said that during Kevin's birth they left the placenta in her, so during mine she said she made a POINT to the doctor to see the placenta before she left the operating room. Which she saw, and she calmed down. But once the doctors said she was done and I was out, she still felt bad. She had this pain inside her belly and couldnt bare it. All the doctor said it was was gas, but she had 3 children before me and told him she KNEW it wasn't that. He shrugged her off like she knew nothing and sent her to recovery.
My mother said she told one of the nurses about the pain, and how her belly hadnt gone down much, and the nurse felt her. The nurse became concerned and ran to the doctor and told him she thinks something was still wrong with my mother, but her ignored her as well. Within a few hours they sent my mother home, but she was still in pain. She said she could barelly walk at home and get out of bed. One of the neighbors on the block had been a nurse, so my grandparents were concerned and asked her to come over. She had my mother lay down and looked inside her, and she freaked out. She told my mother she saw an embrio or something and demanded my grandfather took her to the hospital. Since the only hospital then was Good Sam it took forever to get there, but my mother said the pain got worse. Once she got there she went back to the doctor, and he had her lay down. The same nurse from before was there, and they both looked inside my mother. The doctor went "theres nothing there" and then the nurse goes "NO I SAW IT!" and he looked once more, closer, and went "OH SHIT!!!!!" My mom said his face went completely white and he shut up and started working fast. Within a few minutes he pulled something out of my mother, but didnt show her. The entire room grew silent. My mother said once the doctor came back that he told her he left the placenta in her, and sent her home. She said that she felt 100% better, and went home with my grandfather. But she KNEW it wasn't the placenta, she kNEW somethig else was inside of her. When she called the hospital later to find out what it was they told her the doctor wrote that he pulled ouot a placenta from her and nothing else. But my mother knew they were lying and tried to research it. She said, that she is convinced I was conceived as a twin, and that when she fell she hit one of us and that that baby became very weak, and when she went into labor i had strength to come out but the other one needed help, and the doctor overlooked it when he pulled the placenta out, and since the baby had nothing to live on when the placenta it was dying inside of her. And that when the doctor realized what he had done, he covered his tracks up because he could then because there was no trace of another baby inside of my mother. WHAT THE HELL?? That story got to me, it really did, it gives me chills when I think about it. It really does...........