Go Gators!

Apr 03, 2006 21:30

Go Gators!

So I realized since I have to take Modern Analysis 1& 2,I only need to take 1 math class to get a math minor
OR just 2 math classes to get the major. That's pretty crazy. So I just need to take Abstract Algebra and Stochastic Processes and I have a math major.

Too bad I didn't take stochastic this semester like I was going to.

I just gotta hope stochastic isn't offered during design of experiments or theoretical stats 2 or modern analysis 2.

So I think I'm graduating next spring. Or next summer. Depends on if I ever take C++

Yep, so I go from graduating early with 1 degree to 2 degrees and still my silly business minor. Though I just have to get my MIT calc 3 credit approved by math.
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