Perhaps I'll start updating my livejournal again...probably not...
In any case, I've been having fun lately. Spring break is recently over and, overall, it was a blast. Ed and I stayed at his house for the first half and mine for the second. We went to three zoos...ZooAmerica, the National Zoo, and the Salisbury Zoo. ZooAmerica was my favorite because they had grey wolves there and you could get pretty close to them. The pair that we saw up close had caught and killed a duck and they were playing with it. One of them buried it in the corner. I bet they have a bunch of ducks buried all over the place. The wolves played with eachother and you could tell which one was the alpha...though I'm not sure if it was male or female. We also saw two black bears there. One was totally crazy and kept running his nose against the fence, even though he had a huge place to run around in. The other bear was gigantic and lazy. There was a really loud lynx and some cute little otters. The other two zoos were cool too. We saw the new baby giant panda at the National Zoo. I adopted the red panda species for $65, part of my birthday present. I think I'll post some pictures of the zoos and such in a bit.
My birthday was Friday of spring break and my family and I went out to Ruby Tuesday's. It was nice and all but they didn't card me so I felt slighted. Ed and I went to Olive Garden that Sunday though and they did card me there. :) I think Leah's having a party for Jeff and I this weekend since Ross can't be there.
As for school...same old, same old. We have to schedule soon and I'm pissed off. There's an awesome class on Tudor and Stewart England and I want to take it! I'm obsessed with the Tudors. But it conflicts with another class that I want and have to take. I could take a different section of that class but only with a teacher that I REALLY don't want to I can take the class I will love but take a shit class with it or I can sacrafice Tudors for a good design class...and by good I mean easy.
Ed's going to live with Pat and Trent next year and I think that will be nifty. I don't know if I have anyone to live with yet but at least Ed will be nearby.
I should be doing homework....
Here are some pictures I took tonight! :)