[music| "Arabian Dance" --- Tchaikovsky ]
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Reading about the girl on Cat's journal made me really think, and feel really fortunate for having the life I have.
It made me think of this day in general.
Waking up, sitting with a glazed expression on the bus, cold and irritated with the people around me. Standing with my friends before first period, a moment doesn't pass where I'm not smiling. I love the people around me. First period is trying. It's Achey, most of the people around me don't care, and I'm still exhausted from it being 7:30 in the morning. Creative Writing, it doesn't resemble a class at all. I sit amongst friends and it's fantastic. I come home today, and decorate the house for Christmas. I love Christmas. It's warm and safe, I like the shiny snowflakes and the BAMF nutcracker. The naitivity scene that Lee put his own special spin on last year. ("WTF? Why is everyone facing AWAY from Jesus? Does he have leprecy or something?")
God, I can't imagine throwing away life, especially a life with so much potential.
I'm enjoying every minute of it, even the minutes I hate.
Saturday night, after the party and I was watching T.V downstairs, I realized how quiet and demure I was in comparison. And I thought, "Holy shit! I can't believe I'm SO loud. I'm so obnoxious and awful!" But then I thought about it again and realized how much it really didn't matter, because I was smiling the whole time.