Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 09, 2013 23:23

Dear Yuletide Writer,

I'm in for a treat, because you're awesome. Also, you're awesome because I'm in for a treat! Thank you in advance for offering one or more of the fandoms I requested, and thank you for writing for me!

I promise, I'm easy. I try to request fandoms that I'd be happy receiving almost anything for, whether you hold to the optional details and prompts or not. If you've got a story you've always wanted to tell, I'm thrilled to read it. Please have fun.

I've been around the Yuletide block--I believe this is my seventh year!--and even if this journal is pretty barren these days, I've got a body of work on AO3 and a sporadically active tumblr if you want to know what I like. I'll also list the things that will always make me happy and the things that won't:

Deconstruction and Meta
Provocative topics
Writing in the voice of the canon (if there is one) - good pastiche and capturing the tone of the work always make me happy
Contracts and service
Music (always always music!)
Wittiness, highbrow humor, and puns. Bad puns. REALLY bad puns.
Glorification of art and the creative process
Men in dresses
Difficult situations with no right answers, and the people who tend to get into those situations
Ghosts and the insubstantial
Shenanigans and capers
Clothesporn (which seems to be the theme for this year)
Otters (but I'm not sure how otters are going to make it into any of these prompts anyway)

Gratuitous happy endings (happy endings themselves are okay, even wonderful!, but I don't want it to feel forced)
Protagonist infallibility / unsympathetic comedy protagonists
Lack of research
Mpreg. Please, just don't, it makes me really uncomfortable.
Ignoring consequences

I'm okay with funny, and I think most of the requests this year lend themselves more to comedy, but I am also 100% okay with dark themes. I don't think of Yuletide as a holiday-specific good-feelings challenge, so if you would rather write pain than humor I totally understand. Play to your strengths!

And as for porn: A++ go right ahead. Love kink, love vanilla, love when characters love each other, love when they don't but still want to bone. I'd rather it be part of the story, though, or at least more about the characters and characterization than tab A slot B.

Now onto the requests, and notes if you want them!

Oosaki Nana, Komatsu Nana

I know I am not alone in screaming NOW KISS every time both Nanas appear on screen. I have to wonder if anyone else in-story shares my frustration.

Please lay the Yazawa-isms on thick, bust up that fourth wall, and somehow get our unlucky sevens to add up to 15.

If you want to go angsty, or don't want to write both of them, I am also down for fic about Nana O's issues of ambition/pride versus her desire to be loved, or something about Hachi being more than just a Team Pet to the Black Stones. Misato's not on the requested characters list, but I adore her too and I think she'd work well in any of these scenarios.

Anime, movie, and manga canon are all fine to spring off from for this, I am familiar with all three timelines.

Gentleman Bastard Sequence - Scott Lynch
Jean Tannen, Locke Lamora, Father Chains

Locke is a Priest of the Nameless Thirteenth, Jean (technically) an adherent of Aza Guilla. I would love to see a string of Clerical Shenanigans. Defrocking optional.

Teenage Bastards,
Teenage Bastards,
In the Priesthood,
Teenage Teenage Teenage Teenage Bastards!

I am fine with or without slash--and I am definitely fine with Locke/Sabetha, whether there is also Locke/Jean or not. Please no twincest if you do feature Calo and Galdo as well.

DRAMAtical Murder
Toue, Sei

Worldbuilding fic! Platinum Jail is rather aptly named. I want to see the gleaming dystopia of it all, the horrible experiments, the gradual retreat of Sei into his fragmented head and Toue's part in it.

...or you could just write the creepy, wrong, exploitative porn. I'm not stopping you. Neither is Usui, for that matter.

Porque no los dos?

Catherine Called Birdy - Karen Cushman
Catherine, Stephen

I want the reasonably-happy ever after. I'd love to see Catherine adjusting to affianced and then married life with the Son of Shaggybeard, through diary entries if possible.

If you're not down for that, I sure wouldn't mind seeing Stephen, Called Scruffy or something like that. I'm sure he's got a diary of his own.

I have a thing for the long, slow awkward of a developing relationship. Don't shy away from giving them problems, especially the ones that they'd realistically face as a new castle lord and a teenage bride, but in the spirit of the book I really hope it turns out mostly okay.

The Fox - Ylvis (Music Video)

Take it seriously. Go noir, go eldritch horror, hell you can take it to Soylent Green if you want to. I want the question of what the fox says to be truly maddening.

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