So one day, Puel and I were tossing headcanon around, you know, like we do, and I made a comment about how Luca Blight probably has a fine-looking pair of hands. Like, classical-guitarist level of fine-looking hands, long fingers, strong fingernails. Puel misheard the "classical" part of classical guitarist and envisaged Luca Blight holding an
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So. Um. Hypothetically. In Georg Prime's checkered past, there was totally that time when he was part of Dawn Records, the haphazardly-formed answer to family-owned label Sun Records' nasty corporate buyout, right? And he was possibly instrumental (oh crap, what a terrible pun) in the rise of folk talent Frey Falenas, whose relentlessly-earnest, proud-feminist, say-no-to-drugs, all-for-my-family, forever-devoted-to-one-woman good-boy image was everything that shouldn't have taken off, and yet? And Sialeeds was an unrepentant hard-partying FASHION diva who COULD NOT BE TAMED, and Lucretia Merces seduced Marscal Godwin's new intern, and Lyon Mismar was OBVIOUSLY a stage name? (Raja needs no last name, for she is Legend.)
Wading into slightly less tangential waters, Luca Blight is possessed of a Twitter feed in which he routinely runs out of space while bludgeoning grammar and punctuation to death, right? And Handler #213,908 is all, "Er, yes, Luca, I understand your, ah, frustration, but 140 characters might feel less restrictive if you didn't devote 43 of them to exclamation poi--oh no, you're making the crazy face again, aren't you."
You're so totally right about Frey and how that entire indie folk legend works, and how Gizel used to be Sialeeds' songwriter and now he totally sold out to pop, and Georg's shredding and the controversy surrounding him saved Dawn Records from dying before it began...
And I have to inform you that, because Puel is awesome, LucaBlightOfficial is going to be a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOO HOO HAHAHAHA.
Dude definitely makes Kanye's tweets look restrained, though.)
Also, selling out to pop is so exactly what Gizel would do that I'm grinning just thinking about it. I will try to think of questions/prompts that are not all about how V is my favorite and my precious baby, I swear. I am glad Annabelle gets to not be literally dead in this, apparently! I always liked her quite a bit and was sad she got to play such a minor role. And I would love to hear about how Jillia fits in--Jowy wouldn't really have a strategic reason to marry her in this universe, would he? Or would he?
[Also I am extremely flattered and thrilled that you enjoyed that fic so much! I was just so glad to get back into things and have an excuse to write that, which had been poking around for a while.]
Also, erm, if Nash and Sierra have... dealings of any sort in this version, I would love to hear about them.
[Great to have more stuff of yours to read! I will certainly keep checking back, if more will be forthcoming.]
(I kind of love Jillia whether or not you think she grows up to be Queen.)
Sierra remains, as ever, a cougar. :D I'm pretty sure Nash decides he ultimately doesn't give a damn about how old she is, although it doesn't stop him from teasing her about her age. Because Nash.
[And there is SO MUCH MORE forthcoming -- this, and our areyougame claims, and all the ficthings that aren't AYG claims, and a story that promises to be damn long and involved...]
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