Nov 21, 2010 11:12


My love and apologies to Da Vinci's Notebook.

Download the cheesy .MP3 here.

Declaration of my vicious intent.
Elaboration of those feelings.
Description of how long this hatred has been brewing.
Belief that it's the same two people with a grudge.
Reminiscence on the pleasant fandom times
And our community's perfection.
Recounting of the steps that led to all this wank and drama,
Mostly involving my shortsightedness and angst.

Penitent admission of fuckery.
Discovery of the depths of problematic
Things that my work has endorsed, despite all my attentiveness.

Title of the post
Naïve invitation of wank.
Reluctance to accept that I am wrong.
Request to turn back time,
And just give up the ghost.
Repetition of the title of the post.

Enumeration of the incidents in bygone fandoms
Of similar victimization. :clutch pearls:
Insistence that most of these incidents were isolated
And the resultant fail was clearly juvenile.
Renunciation of that past insensitive behavior.
Promise of my maturation.
Reassurance that I've since grown out of those proceedings.
(Bait for my followers to stoke my ego here.)

Request for all the people I've slighted
To make themselves known and assert their grievances.
Oh, and of course they should out themselves from their anonymity.

Title of the post
Naïve invitation of wank.
Reluctance to accept that I am wrong.
Request to turn back time,
And just give up the ghost.
Vaguely and symbolically alluded repetition of the title of the post.

Acknowledgement that it was hyperbole.
Increasingly desperate pleas for armistice.
Politically incorrect analogy.
(Vague but intentional comparison to terrorists.)
Assertion I deserve a second chance
Invoke my tears to elicit :hugs: and :pats:
Thanks to the ones who read that crap.
Comment threads I won't reply to at all~

(Title of the post
Naïve invitation of wank.
Reluctance to accept that I am wrong.)
Request to turn back time,
And just give up the ghost.
Subverted invocation of the title of the post.
The title of the post.
The . that ends the post.
The comments to the post.


Intentionally reduced-font but nevertheless impossible to ignore request for donations for some project or another.

:ironic emoticon:


music nerd, aboard the death star, fic, rant, voltaire sat on me once, putting the irl in fangirl

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