Happy new year, everyone! I live. I am psoting from between classes--am so glad this week is more or less over.
I've been forgetting/neglecting to pimp my Kinkfest things over here--will do so now.
only in this prison's garden -- Zecht, Drace, and implicit aftermath
making it all better -- Ashe, Basch, and cuteness -- described as un-Mith
and they are
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...I honestly can't summarize my thoughts very coherently right now (at all?), but I think you've elevated past the expectations on that one, and even the stream-of-consciousness piece, because really, it could've just been candy-coated PWP and it seems like you try to put a little twist on what people expect (or I expect) these challenge-fics to be. Sometimes I completely overlook your stories and just skim right through them, only to come back and get SLAPPED IN THE FACE by everything I missed the first time. Hells bedamned, I've never even finished Tactics and I read through the Delita/Ovelia, if only for the fact I suspected it might be interesting! So...yeah. *train flies off the tracks, off the side of a cliff, and BURNS INTO OBLIVION*
It was interesting as well, the story that is, because after the comment she made of him in canon ("That what Zecht got for ho-in' around wit Vayne." "SNAP!" "Oh no you didn't!"), I suspected the two as not to be on fair terms/of like mind.
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