So it's no big secret that, despite how prolific I appear to be at the moment--on schedule for everything except
yuri_challenge, darn it--I keep running into ruts due to squabbles with
tenshi_kain. In light of that, I think I am going to be flagrantly passive-aggressive and send out the call for drabbles/ficbits that I will not beta. If I have an outstanding ficbit request from you from a previous challenge, you may ask for it again here, OR you may participate in this challenge. One per, I think--I just want my groove back. As for new requests, follow these steps:
I. Select fandom or original (I really like the idea of OCs for this) and character, singular. You'll see why shortly.
II. I will write one bit for each of the following prompts:
1. We
wodhaund, Al-Cid, check
2. Hold
karthur, Leon Silverberg, check
3. These,
kellios, Mith Kalgrey, check
4. Truths,
seta_suzume, Orosi, check
5. To be,
jabbberwocky, Tempest Leonhart, check
6. Self-evident
keikoazuki, Balthier, check
7. That all men are,
tenken, Dave Spanglin, check
8. Created,
coloredink, the Occuria als entity check
9. Equal
shahrizai, Griffith, check
10. They,
rampant_geekery, Ashe Dalmasca, check
11. Are,
lindenleaves, Arisugawa Juri, check
12. Endowed
victorpenguin, Hauptmann Lance Engler, check
13. By their Creator,
maho_kiwi, Ahiru, check
14. With,
aorin107, Reks Halim, check, at least part 1 of something longer?
15. Certain
sheffiesharpe, Margaret Rothaken, check
16. Unalienable
rijsg, Irvine Kinneas, check
17. Rights,
laylah, Georg Prime, check
18. Among
white_aster, Yuber, check
19. Life,
mergle, Geddoe, check
20. Liberty,
lassarina, Fran, check
21. And,
whoisus, Ondore, check
22. Pursuit of,
mariagoner, Hyral the Black, check
23. Happiness,
festivewind, FaSoLa, check, and if someone doesn't kill me for those puns I will laugh until I die of natural causes (ha ha ha, I kill me).
III. I write a bit of indeterminate length.
I will update this post for each claim that is made. Hit me. Hit me good and hard.