After the previews, we open on what’s obviously a dream sequence. I approve of the use of Warrant, and really, what other song would Dean use? Anna shows up, and there’s a brief moment of awkwardness, because Dean was having a dream about strippers, he’s sleeping with Cas and he never called.
As fans have speculated, Anna’s been in prison. When Dean finds out, he’s immediately concerned and wants to help. *aww*
They arrange to meet, but when Anna shows up it’s not Dean meeting her, it’s Cas! *cue squeeing from deprived Cas fangirls* Cas apparently doesn’t trust Anna, thinking they let her escape and she’s working for them (I’d assumed she’d been brainwashed when I saw the previews, but I dunno now).
Cas and Anna compare knives, and Cas’ is bigger. Explains why Dean dumped her. Then she drops the bombshell about Sam.
Back from the credits, Cas protests that she can’t kill Sam because “Sam is my friend” and he threatens to kill Anna himself if she tries. Yay for BAMF!Cas! Between this and 5x10 it’s almost enough to make me ship them. *pause* Nah, I’m over it. Also, I totally had a Beatles moment when Anna mentioned “scattering his cells across the universe.”
Change scene to a couple making out in…some sort of classic car *knows nothing* The guy has a mullet. They’re interrupted by Anna appearing out of thin air and falling onto the hood. As they help her up, we see a poster for “Grease.”
Back at the hotel Cas is explaining things, and actually admitting he doesn’t get Dean’s pop culture references. *cue further squeeing*
Sam asks whether Anna might have a point, and Cas tells a totally transparent lie, Dean not having taught him how to lie convincingly.
Cas tries to find Anna, speaking what’s probably Enochian, but I was too busy drooling to make sure. He finds her, but it weakens him. She’s in 1978. Cas figures out that she’s trying to kill Mary and John, changing the past so that Sam won’t be born, which I thought we’d established was impossible because of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect destiny.
Cas wants to go back alone, but Dean insists he take them with him. He protests that it will weaken him, and might be impossible. I’m glad they addressed that, since I think when most people saw the previews, they went “I thought he was losing his powers?” Another reference goes right over Cas’ head. *aww*
So they arm for bear, and Cas zaps them to the past. In accordance with narrative convention, Sam and Dean appear in the middle of the road, and almost get hit by a car. They find Cas slumped against a car nearby. He has a nosebleed and is coughing up blood.
Sam looks up John and Mary’s address in the phonebook (and as someone else pointed out, this was sloppy. Mary might not be hunting anymore, but she should still be smart enough to get an unlisted number) while Dean checks Cas into “the honeymoon suite” of a nearby motel, *cue squeeing from the Dean/Cas fangirls* Dean suggests they buy stock in Microsoft, and Sam points out that if Cas doesn’t recover, they’re stuck.
Dean tries (badly) to disguise his concern saying, “He’s tough for a little nerdy dude with wings.” *squee* Sam hopes that maybe Anna is out of it too, and shows Dean the address.
They get to the house, driving a hotwired car. Dad wonders where the Impala is, I remind him John’s got it just as we see it parked in front of the house. Sam and Dean argue about what to tell them. Sam says they should tell the truth, Dean says they’ll think they’re crazy.
Scene of John and Mary being adorable, then the doorbell rings. Mary answers the door, recognizes Dean and freaks out. (And boy was it weird to hear him call her “Mary.”) Meanwhile, Sam’s acting like he did when he first met Cas. John comes to the door, and Dean introduces them as “Mary’s cousins.”
John thinks Dean looks familiar, but doesn’t remember him. John introduces himself, and Sam (“Mary’s father was a Sam.” “It’s a family name.”) acts starstruck.
John invites them in, over Mary’s objections, clearly not wanting anything to do with Dean and suspicious of the way Sam keeps staring at her with the woobieface. Sam gushes about Mary being “beautiful” and Dean claims she looks like their mom, and Mary’s dad being “like a grandpa to us” haha. They agree that the “heart attack” was tragic.
Mary tries to throw them out again after they give two different answers to what they do for a living. John gets a phone call from his “boss” (actually Anna doing that totally freaky thing of using his voice) and goes to meet him, leaving a note for Mary.
Sam and Dean try to convince Mary she and John are in danger, but when Sam tells her what exactly is coming after them, she doesn’t believe him. Dean promises to explain, then they find John’s gone.
He goes into the garage, finds his boss lying on the floor. (“He’s dead. Ugh, his eyes are burned out!”) He turns around to see Anna, who throws him into a bookshelf. Her vision blurs, and Dad says she’s still affected by the time travel. John hits her with a crowbar, she throws him across the room again, and Dean suddenly tries to stab her with the knife.
They grapple, and it’s obvious they’re going to kill each if they can, but don’t want to. She throws him through a window. *wince*
Then Mary grabs the knife Dean dropped and cuts Anna’s palm open, but she throws her into a car windshield. Mary crawls away, grabs a crowbar and stabs Anna with it, which was awesome, even though it doesn’t do any good. “Not that easy to kill an angel.” She pulls it out, making me cringe.
Just as I’m thinking “Where the hell’s Sam?” Booyah! Banishing sigil, bitch! Anna goes bye-bye, and we see that John heard everything. Dun dun dunnnn!
Back from break, they’re in the Impala. John, in the driver’s seat, is having the predicted freakout about Mary lying to him. Sam and Dean are in the backseat, acting awkward because Mommy and Daddy are fighting.
Dean tries to defend her, and John says, “Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me I will turn this car around!” Dean’s face is priceless. “Déjà vu!” say I. “Wow. Awkward family roadtrip.” *♥s Dean*
“Where are they going?” Dad wants to know. “Safehouse?” Sure enough, Mary’s family has used it for years. Mary knows her stuff, but she hasn’t fought angels before. Sam and Dean give her the rundown. Banishing sigils, holy oil. While Sam shows Mary how the holy oil works, John asks Dean about the sigil. Dean tells him it goes on the wall. “How big should I make it?” “Awesome!” Also, the “y’all” thing was adorable. Dean’s reluctant, telling him it needs to be drawn in human blood.
John picks up a knife, coolly slashes his palm, Dad winces, like always, and I fall in love with Young!BAMF!John. “How big?” Dean chuckles, because obviously this is the reverse of when he was growing up. John asks what’s funny. “All of a sudden you really remind me of my Dad.” *aww*
Sam apologizes to John about everything happening. John wants to know how long he’s known about it, and Sam tells him that he was raised into it. John is indignant that Sam’s father would do that to him, Sam says he understands and forgives him, but he never got to tell his dad that he knows why he did it and he loves him. Closure for Sammy, OMGyay! Even if John won’t remember it, I love the writers for giving him that.
At this point Anna calls on Uriel, and I go “Wait, he’s dead!” He’s in a different vessel, but same guy. At this point my brain explodes, because since angels exist outside time, he should be dead all across history, but then I figure the angels are able to exist at any time in history just by entering it. But once they no longer exist they don't enter time anymore, so no "new" appearances. All the interactions are still there, we just won't be seeing Uriel again unless he already did it before he died. This is the only way I can keep my brain from leaking out my ears.
She tells him to kill the Winchesters. “Always happy to do some smiting.” Yep, same guy. Anna is a lying liar who lies and tells Uriel that the Winchesters will kill him.
Meanwhile, Mary presses Dean for explanations. Dean’s reluctant, sure she won’t believe it, Mary threatens to leave, and he just blurts out “I’m your son.” Mary obviously doesn’t believe him, so Dean tells her things only her son would know. At this point I get teary-eyed. I had no clue he remembered so much. Also, the fact that Mary is a Beatles fan is awesome, and “Hey, Jude” is perfect for Dean, since that’s what he’s doing, making the best of a bad situation.
Mary’s appalled that she raised her kids to be hunters, and Dean tells her about Yellow-Eyes. Dean tells her again not to go into the nursery, to run when Sam turns six months old. Sam chimes in that it won’t work, that the demon will find her no matter what. Sam tells her to leave John.
Dean admits that they’d rather not have been born *snif*. Sam says, “Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad, but you can’t. I’m sorry. It’s all gonna go rotten,” and of course coming from him it has more impact. He also says she’s going to die, and they’ll be “cursed.” Dean tells her there’s more at stake than just them. Mary protest that she can’t, she’s pregnant. (“Don’t touch her, Dean, there’ll be a universe-ending explosion!”) Not to mention if she leaves because they tell her to, then they won’t be around to come back to tell her to leave, so she won’t. Paradox.
John runs in and says someone smudged the sigils (I still wanna know how they managed that). Mary discovers they’re out of holy oil. The lights start flickering, there’s a high-pitched noise and the windows all smash.
Uriel walks in, and Dean has a moment of “This is not fair!” Dean and Sam rush Uriel and Anna, for all the good it does. Dad wonders where Cas is. “In the hotel. I didn’t expect him to be in more than the beginning and end.” “Anna’s recovered, why isn’t he?” “He’s losing his powers.” “Why is he losing his powers?” I don’t answer, because that would take too long. “I think the only reason he’s not recovered is he took two people back.” I agree that’s possible.
John goes after the knife, but Anna gets in the way, shoves him through a window and twenty feet outside to land against a water tower or something.
Sam tries to get between Mary and Anna, but Anna stabs him. Uriel’s strangling Dean. At this point I’m wondering how the hell this is going to be fixed.
A white light appears to John outside, and just as Anna’s about to kill Mary John shows up again, looking different. “Michael.” Aaand, Kripked again. “Wait, Michael?! So has Michael always been John, or is he just possessing him?” “I think he’s just in John.”
Michael fries Anna extra crispy. I’m still not sure how I feel about that. I liked her, but this episode made me like her a lot less. He banishes Uriel with a snap of the fingers, which I found interesting since Gabriel’s the only one we’ve seen do that before. He knocks Mary out then turns to Dean.
The first thing Dean says, of course, is “Fix him!” pointing to Sam. “First we talk, and then I fix your darling little Sammy.” o.O So Michael ships Wincest?
As most of the fans had figured out, Dean’s descended from a bloodline that can house Michael. I have to wonder though. Abel didn’t have any descendants (I don’t think. I could be wrong), so they’d have to be descended from Cain. I can see Sam being descended from Cain, since, yeah Lucifer. But would Michael take a vessel descended from a kinslayer? Maybe they just wanted more “brother” parallels.
The whole “Michael raising Lucifer” thing had me going “bzuh?” We already know the parallels, no need to invent ones that don’t exist. And now more than ever I want Lucifer/Michael slash.
I find myself liking Michael. He’s not bad, just unconcerned with humanity, which is how I had him pegged. I believe him if he says he won’t burn Dean out. And Dean finally acknowledges that being “a good son” before everything isn’t necessarily healthy. \o/ Although the “no free will” thing is bullshit. It sucks that Michael wiped John and Mary’s memories, but maybe it’s for the best; Mary won’t have her death hanging over her.
Michael zaps Sam and Dean back to the motel in 2010, and Cas shows up a little later. Sam grabs him as he collapses (damn you, I refuse to ship it!) The next scene is hilarious, mainly because Misha plays confused/drained!Cas so well. They fling him on the bed, then get a drink.
“Well, this is it.”
“This is what?”
“Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name and Mr. Comatose over there. Awesome.”
“That’s not funny.” (I disagree. And I need an icon.)
And now they’re doubting, which is badbadbad!
The last scene with John and Mary is just BAAAW! (Although the “garage sale” thing cracked me up, since that’s Dad’s justification for buying all kinds of useless junk. “It was a buck!”) And Dean doesn’t like angels even then, LOL!
On the whole, this ep was awesome, although I'd have liked more Cas. Maybe next week. The previews make it seem pretty cracktastic and awesome so we'll see.