Strange as it seems there've been poor monetary schemes, and an MP who can spin it could go far...

Mar 28, 2009 13:49

So, we all know the First Lord of the Treasury is Presbyterian - that being the case, you'd think he would have at least read the fun bits of Genesis. Failing that, he must have gone to a horribly conservative primary school not to have been forced to perform in the nigh-on compulsory production of this that practically every schoolchild in the British Isles is forced to endure. Presumably the costumes were too flashy, or the teachers felt it improper for the children to star in a play where they would occasionally be required to 'smile' or 'laugh'. Would explain a lot.

I mean, ignoring the religious component of the story, the fiscal prudence part of it is just common sense. Maybe he ignored it because the lyricist of the musical is a Tory. Either way, the Chilean President presumably did watch the musical - given the rebuke she gave good old Gordon on the subject.

I should probably write parody lyrics from my sickbed :)

Hope everyone's enjoying Minami!

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