I'm having a party and no one is invited

Jul 01, 2010 18:16

Hnnnnng. Long long time since last update. Too damn busy to spend time writing what I'm up to, as I'm too busy doing it! Key points:

- Much, much Salvage
- Skadi boots yay
- Monk is almost 80, spending lots of time on Magian quests for it
- Black Belt yay
- Love torque yay
- Abyssea yay
- Quitting Sky
- Daggercat
- VNMs
- Yay for no more COP level caps and new exp camps

The thing that takes me most time with LJ entries is putting in a million screenshots after cropping them and stuff, but I frankly can't be bothered to do that right now. So instead, have a handful of full-size ones.

Yes, Wolf is tanking JoL as drk/bst in this picture. It worked. Until he died.

Freeeeeeeelot. Morri body WRU? Q_Q

5am Salvage is awesome, just like my TH is for other people's drops.

How To Destroy Angels EP is awesome, Ellen Allien's Berlinette is the most perfect record I've heard in months and months and months, World Cup is awesome... except for the cheating cunts who make me incredibly angry and the shit refereeing. IT WAS PAST THE LINE. But not as angry as I am about an England team comprised of so many incredible players who go out there in the shirts that so many people up and down the country would kill to wear... and then go out and play 4 games without once looking like they gave a toss. Rage. But oh well :)

Just kidding. You're all invited. FF14, September 30th.
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