Still keeping busy on Phoenix, far busier than I expected to be, with events, exp, and getting stuff done in my own time. As well as the low-man MG, there's been a fair bit of sky farming, sea farming, and some stuff I never expected I'd get to do. Lots and lots of pictures, so LJ cut.
Chen organised some Ouryu runs a few weeks ago, as quite a few people had Cloud Evokers sat around being useless, and Neph has enough people and friends to do both Ouryu and Baha V2, so why not? The first run didn't go so well, but the remaining ones went fine, even if there were odd moments that looked rough. I missed the first Bahamut V2, but should be attending one tonight, which I'm excited about.
One of the more challenging things Wolf had the idea of trying was low-man Jailer of Faith. The original idea was to go thf, whm, rdm, brd, and simply straight-tank it. Well, it didn't work! The NM attacked too fast, with too much accuracy, and with added spells it was just too much. Instead, we settled on a spur-of-the-moment, "let's stop it despawning" strat which ended up being our way of killing it. Simply put, I'd keep bio3 on it, and constantly sac, getting R3'd by Mari (Wolf's medicat account), with Wolf doing SA Man. Stab, and also taking care off the flower which spawns near JoF's ???. Interesting, Wiki was wrong on JoF; it had it listed as aggressive, but the screenshot above should prove otherwise (and yes, I edited wiki to reflect this). No luck on torques, though :( We've done a few others since with Loncar's help, with him bringing Flarne on thf for TH4, and Wolf on drk so he can KC-Zerg it when Souleater is up. Made it go much faster, and I lost a lot less exp :D
To help get that exp back, Wolf's gone up to Sky with me a few times to farm NMs. As well as the "usuals" (Despot, Steam Cleaner, Zip - Faust isn't worth the money), we also hit up Waters and Olla pretty regularly with rdm/nin (meleeing pots, Olla, and Groundskeepers, but being more mage-y on other NMs)), and now we can add Mother Globe to our list. Sadly I have no screenshots of all this that I didn't already post, except for one choice quote from Wolf.
The other big thing that's been happening has been exp. Lots and lots of exp. I posted on BG about a month ago that drk would be my next 75 and, well... I was wrong.
69-75 Samurai in about a week, woo. Can't really say what made me decide to finish the job off, but I'm glad I did, as it's a lot of fun. In case you're curious where me and Wolf are, it's the Mire, exping on Chigoe which Mari is popping for us. Also had some awesome pts with Chen, Loncar, Wolf, Tia, and others in various spots on Corsair, which has gone from 40 to 58 in just over a week. Pts with four dual-boxed PLs are insane! Though I will add some lulz. Exping on Lolibri last night, and another pt shows up and starts bitching at us for killing everything in the area, saying we must suck to need so many PLs. Well, they start power-pulling, can't handle it, and have deaths. This may explain why.
Also, what are the odds on this?
6->6, then 6->6 again. Q_Q!
One thing I'm liking about Neph is that we fight more "boss" type mobs than I got to in Fusion. In the month I've been here we've done four Kirins, a JoL, one JoHope, one or two JoPrudence (I forgot how many), 3 JoJustice, loads of Ix'aerns and Sky gods, and two Odins, plus Dyna Lord and CoP dyna zones (no Shadow item drop wtf). Farming is split up more, the Sky bank is larger so more pop items are purchased, and it's generally a much more enjoyable FF experience for me. On which note, drops and pictures! I forget to SS most stuff though.
Also got mnk body on this run, was very happy :)
Also, doing regular Einherjar again is so awesome, I love it, definitely my favourite thing in FF.
What else? Well, since I took most of those SS, I got some advice on how to make my graphics better. And now they look like this!
Much better :)