"she burns it like a diesel" !.. ^__^ Fairy YUI is like that.
even if it's a "simple" Iro-no nai Sekai anime mini-album.
the sound is _awesome rich_!.. large audio system and lossless codec are highly recommended.
"Alte Burg", - great enough to illustrate "Alice" by Lewis Carroll or similar madness
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAhYgd6Y1Bc(the YouTube "quality"...)
"Kikai Shoujo Gensou" -
after her nyaa-ish Weiss Flugel, it's again something to burrrn
...awesome rich sound again,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89jWYEbTO7M the very specific Unhindered Excitement in the song's refrain is, uh, virtually boundless ^__^
PS. Tachibana _is_ the unrecognized (?) genius!