Non! Non! Actually, an update!

Feb 19, 2011 11:07

Well, what do you know, an actual update.

Anyway, a lot has happened - I've been transferred and is now working for OCEO (Office of the Chief Executive Officer) for about almost two weeks now. So, chyeah, still in the process of adjusting. Around two days after I transferred, the Big Boss flew out of the country to Europe (to attend some kinda conference/congress), so I had the whole week to myself.

Of course, that didn't help with the transition since I still haven't been told on what exactly I am going to do (other than assist, of course). I'm still fumbling my way into the dark. Hopefully light will be shed soon.

So, during the week I finally got Gloaming updated. I procrastinated since I've finished it ages ago; I didn't get around to actually uploading it online. I actually forgot about it, haha. So, yeah.. a fiction update.


TITLE: Gloaming (tentatively)
SUMMARY: Working on it.
CHARACTERS: All, but mainly Sess/Kag
GENRE: Supernatural / Romance / Adventure / Angst
TIMELINE: Alternate Universe.

prologue/ chapterone/ chaptertwo

type: gloaming, tagged: none, cha-a1: sesshoumaru, cha-a2: higurashi kagome, type: fiction post

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