On writing, gaming, and plot devices

Mar 03, 2009 08:33

I haven't been writing here, haven't I? I mean, I updated yesterday, but it doesn't really count since it was more of a question than anything else. Too bad you can't really delete those who friended you, only those you have a 'mutual friend' status thing.

Just a little note: If you'd like to keep updated with what I'm doing -although I'm warning you, it'll be more of work than anything else- you can find me here. And while you're there, join Plurk! It's seriously kinda fun.

So. Continuing. Nothing much as happened; Mark and I celebrated our 5th anniversary and seriously talked about tying the knot next year (I know, I know - I've been blathering about it for a long time already. Well, IRL.); but it looks like it'll be held up for, well, maybe another year. I dunno. I'll keep you posted? Or maybe we'll just run away and get married in Vegas but then again that's going to be ridiculously expensive not to mention stupid.

We've also taken a hiatus from my current Pen and Paper (or good ol' fashioned Table-top RPG) character, Elisha, and just for a whim, took up one of my old characters and did a side story (that would be Celest). We're still continuing now, although its a bit of a challenge since we don't remember her skills that much. It's fun, though. Elisha is so nice and stoic that it's a relief to play someone bitchy and quiet. And with mad shadow skillz yo!

Anyway. Right now my ani-ue and I are contemplating buying an XBox 360 just so that we can play games we'd like (hello, Star Wars: Force Unleashed~! You sorely disappointed me with your PSP version T_T I sincerely hope your XBox version would be better), but Mark would like both of us to buy Wii instead, because it's seriously fun. Plus he'd like to be able to play Monster Hunter, too. as if playing it on his PSP everyday ain't enough eh

I haven't been drawing. I miss drawing my characters. I've resorted to haunting a local bookstore's art section, i'm that deprived. I have no time left to draw though (I can just hear the horror of my art teacher - "You always make time for drawing, hija."), and all I can do is just longingly look at those sketchbooks and pencils. And colored pencils. And markers. And -

...yes, I know, stopping before I completely go to the deep end.

I've been writing, if that's any consolation. I've already finished Canta Per Me Chapter Two and Three (if you count the prologue, that is) and I'm already mid-way to Chapter Four, but due to listening to some trance/electronica music, it's getting darker than it should've been. Yay? I'm annoyed though - Sasuke doesn't like to be handled, and it shows even when I'm writing him. He's acting so OOC (in my opinion) and wouldn't listen to me! Bah humbug.

I've finished with Chapter Two of Broken Smile, and contemplating on starting on Chapter Three. I say contemplating because I'm still re-drafting the chapter outline. But oh well. It'l write itself when it's ready (so write yourself already, damnit!). Bend and Not Break is still being a mule and digging in it's heels and not wanting to be written. Well, that was a week ago I've saved so many deleted scenes that I've lost count eh. I've finally hit upon an insipiration and should actually be writing it now, but I need to research Noh and Kabuki, first.

Jesus Christ. Where the heck am I finding the time to write all of these? I am continually in awe of myself my writing muses. Where the hell are they finding the energy? D:

On another note: I hit upon the realization that when I grew up, I became a potty mouth. Yeah, my mouth's so hella dirty! In both languages! I don't know whether I should thank my ani-ue or be properly horrified that I have to actually watch every itty bitty word that comes out of my mouth, un.

I'm flat-out broke. Yeah, that's nothing new. After buying like 2190384 pairs of shoes last December, yeah, I'm seriously broke. But hey, shoes! You can never go wrong with shoes.

My hair is still growing like a weed - after several years of me continually chopping it off (ever since college, it never went past my shoulders. It's like I have a hair-length phobia or something.), it's now past my shoulders. I'm growing it out because.. I'm contrary? XD

When it's long enough I might have it curled, but don't hold your breath. My officemates have continually told me they'll forsake me if I ever do go through that.

Maybe I'll have it coloured, who knows? Strangely enough, this year is turning to be unpredictable. Oh, yay.

This post is unlocked, due to writing update.

tagged: none, type: serious post, type: fiction post

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