Seattle: Lemon Drops not RainDrops-condensed

Sep 21, 2006 22:52

Well Crap... I spent an hour writing about Seattle the other night while multitasking on other sites and accidentally surfed off the page and lost all that I had written. For some reason, it did not revert to the saved version. So I will take it as a sign that I should make it shorter so here goes:

The trip started off rough on
chef2b's B-day...his worst in recent memory. Many unfortunate things happened, and we overcame them and arrived in Seattle none the worse for wear...but in serious need of a drink. So with less than an hour left of his birthday, we went next door to the Garage for a super delicious muddled lemon drop. I had a basket of fruit delivered to our room so that we had something to nibble on, that wouldn't pack on the sugar, or calories. The day ended much better than it had began.

The conference seemed well attended, and as usual, well run. If there was a hitch, it wasn't noticible to me. Many friends were there, old and new. It was lovely to just spend time there hanging out, getting to know some interesting people better, and making friends out of former "Acquaintances". I hadn't registered for the conference, so that I could hang out more with some local friends, Yvonne and Jeff. I brought along my good friend Michiko to hang out with Y and Jeff on Sunday, and we all went to Fremont and rode a Fairy...I mean... a Ferry around Lake Washington. It was a gorgeous day, clear and cool. The weather was fine the whole time we were there, but it was exceptional that day. Jeff paid for all of us to go on the Ferry and so we were all calling him "Daddy", much to his delight.

Y, Mi and Jeff

Big Daddy

Y-vonne, Michiko and Me

 this picture is funny because almost everyone in the picture is posing for a picture

chef2b and I had a couple of nice meals out, one at Campagne, which was fine, but not fabulous. And one at 1200 Bistro with a bunch of his friends for his birthday, which was quite good and pretty reasonable. The good news is that I walked so much and tried to be so conscientious about my food intake, that I lost the three pounds I gained in Mexico the weekend before.

Anyway...One more installment of my three weekends of  travels to come soon...

seattle gender conference, friends, food

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